Special Issues

AI publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Interpretable and Explainable AI Applications submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 15702 | Submission Open
Keywords: explainability; interpretability; artificial intelligence applications; validation; accountability
Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence: Current and Future Developments
edited by Sheikh Tahir Bakhsh, Sabeen Tahir and Basit Shahzad
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5525 | Submission Open
Keywords: AI-driven cybersecurity; ethical considerations; future directions; interdisciplinary perspectives; digital resilience
Machine Learning for HCI: Cases, Trends and Challenges
edited by Maria Rigou and
submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 4025 | Submission Open
Keywords: user behaviour analysis; gesture and voice interaction; attention monitoring; affective interaction; interface adaptation; personality trait recognition; intelligent user interfaces; recommender systems; human-in-the-loop machine learning; ethics
Efficiency and Scalability of Advanced Machine Learning and Optimization Methods for Real-World Applications
edited by
submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1923 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence; machine learning; supervised learning; reinforcement learning; domain adaptation; scalability; optimisation; evolutionary intelligence; swarm optimisation methods; multiobjective optimisation methods; real-world problems
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI Systems: Theory and Applications)
Assisted Living of the Elderly: Recent Advances, Systems, and Frameworks
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 500 | Submission Open
Keywords: assisted living; elderly population; artificial intelligence; machine learning; data science; data analysis
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI in Autonomous Systems)
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
edited by
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 9 articles | Viewed by 32644 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence; agriculture; smart farming; precision agriculture; agricultural robotics; intelligent irrigation; crop monitoring; predictive analytics; computational intelligence
Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Processing and Computer Vision
edited by
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 13 articles | Viewed by 22372 | Submission Open
Keywords: image processing; computer vision; image fusion; vision algorithms; deep learning; stereo vision; activity recognition; image/video analysis; image encryption; computational photography; vision hardware/software; monitoring and surveillance; biometrics; robotics; augmented reality
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI Systems: Theory and Applications)
Development of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Thinking: Future Directions, Opportunities, and Challenges submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2480 | Submission Open
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI); computational thinking; machine learning; data science; algorithms; educational technology; ethical  AI; automation; problem solving; future trends; digital literacy; algorithmic bias; educational innovation; society and technology; innovation in education
Artificial Intelligence in Railway Transport and Infrastructure Applications
edited by Khuong An Nguyen and Stylianos Kapetanakis
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 312 | Submission Open
Keywords: railway navigation; rail asset management; railway infrastructure monitoring; smart rail; railway logistics; rail safety
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI in Autonomous Systems)
AI Applications in Emergency Response and Fire Safety
edited by Yoon J. Ko and Ankit Agrawal
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 107 | Submission Open
Keywords: predictive analytics; enhanced detection; situational awareness; and hazard scoping; automating data processes; optimizing response/firefighting/evacuation strategies; supporting/improving decision-making; data management and analysis for risk assessment; smart emergency/fire modeling
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI in Autonomous Systems)
AI in Finance: Leveraging AI to Transform Financial Services submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 5018 | Submission Open
Keywords: AI in finance; ML in finance; algo trading; robo-advisor
Advances in Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning
edited by
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1066 | Submission Open
Keywords: quantum computing; quantum machine learning; hybrid quantum-classical computing; hybrid quantum-classical machine learning; noisy intermediate-scale quantum processing; quantum algorithms; quantum circuits
Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering: Challenges and Developments
edited by
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 936 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence; biomedical engineering; medical image analysis; disease diagnosis; personalized medicine; machine learning; deep learning; healthcare data analytics; medical devices
(This special issue belongs to the Section Medical & Healthcare AI)
AI and the Evolution of Work: Redefining Project Management across Disciplines
edited by
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 673 | Submission Open
Keywords: generalized AI Tools; engineering design process; software engineering; MIS; AI-driven workflows; mental health implications; AI in engineering education; future of work
Machine Learning for Climate Modeling: Current State and Future Developments submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 270 | Submission Open
Keywords: machine learning in climate science; climate model enhancement; predictive climate modeling; deep learning for climate analysis; climate data processing; AI in meteorology; climate change projections; computational approaches in climatology; data-driven climate research; uncertainty quantification in climate predictions; climate pattern recognition; reinforcement learning in environmental studies; supervised and unsupervised learning in climate studies; climate simulation and forecasting; big data analysis in climatology
Artificial Intelligence in Optical Communication Networks
edited by Yibeltal Chanie Manie
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 194 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI); optical communications; optical sensors; machine learning; deep learning; network optimization; predictive maintenance; fault detection and localization; resource allocation; modulation formats; intelligent control mechanisms; optical networking; signal processing
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI in Autonomous Systems)
Safe and Secure Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Chemical Engineering: Current and Future Developments
edited by Zaman Sajid and Rajeevan Arunthavanathan
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 132 | Submission Open
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Machine Learning (ML); Artificial General Intelligence (AGI); chemical engineering; safety; security; process optimization; predictive maintenance; cybersecurity; risk management; regulatory compliance; ethical considerations; interdisciplinary integration; best practices; case studies; emerging trends; future directions; data integrity; system reliability; process control; industrial automation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Chemical Artificial Intelligence)
Artificial Intelligence for Network Management submission deadline 15 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 304 | Submission Open
Keywords: intelligent network monitoring; predictive maintenance; anomaly detection; traffic optimization; automated issue resolution; adaptive security measures; 5G network enhancement; IoT device management; cloud service integration and network scalability
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI Systems: Theory and Applications)
Advances in Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML): Applications, Models, and Implementation submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 299 | Submission Open
Keywords: TinyML; resource-constrained machine learning; federated learning; model distillation
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI Systems: Theory and Applications)
Artificial Intelligence for Future Healthcare: Advancement, Impact, and Prospect in the Field of Cancer
edited by Arka Bhowmik
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 80 | Submission Open
Keywords: AI for cancer forecasting; multi-modal AI; high-risk prediction; risk monitoring; preventive therapy; democratized AI technology; augmented procedures; doctor– patient relationship
(This special issue belongs to the Section Medical & Healthcare AI)
Artificial Intelligence-Based Object Detection and Tracking: Theory and Applications
edited by and Xiu Shu
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 340 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence; computer vision; object tracking and detection systems; single/multiple object tracking; object detection and its applications; person re-ID and person search; self-supervised/unsupervised learning; image fusion and its applications; thermal infrared target tracking and detection; tiny/small target tracking and detection; deep learning for object tracking; object tracking and its applications; image restoration; object recognition
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI Systems: Theory and Applications)
Exploring the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education
edited by
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 245 | Submission Open
Keywords: human– AI interaction in education; educational technology; adaptive learning systems; intelligent tutoring systems; automated assessment; educational data analytics; personalized learning; AI ethics in education; inclusive education; generative AI in education
AI Bias in the Media and Beyond submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 137 | Submission Open
Keywords: AI bias; algorithms and bias; journalism
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI Systems: Theory and Applications)
Machine Learning in Bioinformatics: Current Research and Development
edited by Yinghao Wu, and Zhaoqian Su
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 117 | Submission Open
Keywords: high-throughput experimental techniques; bioinformatics; machine learning; supervised learning; back-propagation neural networks; support vector machines; unsupervised learning; self-organizing maps; reinforcement learning; deep learning; large language models (LLM)
Artificial Intelligence Challenges to the Industrial Internet of Things and Industrial Control Systems Applications
edited by
submission deadline 10 Jul 2025 | Viewed by 559 | Submission Open
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Internet of Things; Industrial Internet of Things; Industrial Control Systems; Industry 4.0; applied research; cybersecurity; security
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI in Autonomous Systems)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) Applications for Resilient and Sustainable Energy Systems
edited by Tarek Kandil, , , and Adam Harris
submission deadline 30 Nov 2025 | Viewed by 510 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI); internet of things (IoT); machine learning; renewable energy integration; smart grid technologies; grid resilience; cybersecurity in energy systems; distributed energy resources; load forecasting; energy management and efficiency
(This special issue belongs to the Section AI Systems: Theory and Applications)
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