
Journal Browser

Journal Browser

Editorial Board

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


Section Board Member
TEBE research group, Department of Energy, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy
Interests: energy and buildings; building envelope technologies; ventilation; thermal comfort; façades; HVAC systems
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Section Board Member
Department of Physics, University "Federico II" Naples, 34105 Naples, Italy
Interests: quantum transport at the nanoscale; strongly correlated systems; quantum; topological matter

Section Board Member
Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia
Interests: radiation dosimetry instrumentation; silicon and organic electronics; small field dosimetry
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Section Board Member
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294-4440, USA
Interests: environmental sustainability; energy conservation in building infrastructure; condensate recovery in air handling units; vertical garden systems; vegetative roofs; stormwater management
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Section Board Member
Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, 5 - 00185 Roma, Italy
Interests: quantitative hydrogeology; groundwater management and protection; isotope hydrogeology; groundwater modeling; aquifer pollution and remediation

Section Board Member
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87106, USA
Interests: nanoscience and bio-nanoscience

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Section Board Member
Applied Acoustics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia, 25123 Brescia, Italy
Interests: vibro-acoustics; environmental noise control; room and building acoustics; experimental methods and in-field measurements; properties of conventional and unconventional acoustic materials
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Section Board Member
Alarcos Research Group. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Interests: quantum computing; quantum software engineering; information systems quality
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Section Board Member
Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-Food and Forest Systems (DIBAF), University of Tuscia, 01100 Viterbo, Italy
Interests: comparative immunology; marine biotechnology; fish nutrition and immunity; aquaculture; natural bioactive molecules

Section Board Member
Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial, Building 5C, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camí de Vera s/n, 46022 València, Spain
Interests: sliding mode observers for bioprocess estimation; nonlinear adaptive control of bioreactors; feedback control of gene synthetic circuits; robust estimation of metabolic fluxes; multiobjective optimization in systems and synthetic biology; the design, build, test, and learn cycle in synthetic biology; synthetic biology for production of metabolites of interest
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Section Board Member
School of Agricultural, Forest, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Basilicata, 85100 Potenza, Italy
Interests: agricultural, forest and biosystems engineering; environmental and ecological engineering; farm buildings and rural land; rural-built heritage; sustainable building materials; greenhouse technology; plastic and biodegradable materials for protected cultivation; rural landscape analysis and planning; integration of multi-temporal data into a GIS environment; agricultural biomass and plastic waste management and valorization
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Section Board Member
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120 Palaiseau, Paris, France
Interests: 2D materials; VdW heterostructures; semiconductors; Synchrotron radiation; XPS; ARPES; electronic structure of 2D materials

Section Board Member
ENEA NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT, Via E, Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati, Italy
Interests: neutron detectors and equipment; neutron scattering instrumentation; neutron sources; application of neutrons in science and technology

Section Board Member
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, 38122 Trento TN, Italy
Interests: digital production systems; assembly line design; urban logistics; healthcare processes optimization; environmental impact; social fairness
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Section Board Member
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, 84084 Fisciano, Italy
Interests: steel structures; seismic engineering; reinforced concrete structures; structural connections; aluminium structures

Section Board Member
Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples, Federico II, 80055 Naples, Italy
Interests: agriculture; environment; soil analysis; fertilizer sustainability; sustainable agriculture; manure management; geographic information system; land-use change; historical GIS
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Section Board Member
Department of Engineering, Roma Tre University, 00146 Rome, Italy
Interests: functional design; MEMS/NEMS; dynamic simulation of multi-body systems; robotics; topology; tribology
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Section Board Member

Section Board Member
Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, University of Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy
Interests: bioinformatics; bioengineering; computational system pharmacology; computational structural biology; target innovation; drug innovation; big data analysis; pharmacology

Section Board Member
Department of Informatics Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Interests: optical interconnects; optical RAM and optical buffering; optical access and radio-over-fiber networks; optical signal processing for data routing and switching; biophotonics
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Section Board Member
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Interests: melanin; pigment cells; melanoma; hair research (trichology); nitric oxide biology and oxidative stress; iron (ii) nitroso-complexes; electron paramagnetic (spin) resonance—EPR (ESR); slime molds (Mycetozoa) as model and alternate organisms; semiotic aspects of genetic information; history of science
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Section Board Member
Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institute for Zoology and Anthropology, Faculty of Biology and Psychology, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Am Türmchen 3, 33332 Gütersloh, Germany
Interests: amino acids; arginine; biochemistry; melatonin; mitochondria; metabolism; pharmacology; physiology; supplementation
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Section Board Member
Geosciences and Environment Toulouse, UMR 5563 CNRS, 14 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France
Interests: biogeochemistry; carbon; trace element; aquatic systems; rivers; discharge; lakes; climate change; Siberia; permafrost; organic matter; green house gases; peat
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Section Board Member
Science and Math Cluster, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372, Singapore
Interests: many-body quantum systems; out-of-equilibrium systems; open quantum systems
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Section Board Member
Department of Physics “E.R. Caianiello”, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, I-84084 Fisciano, Salerno, Italy
Interests: condensed matter physics; superconductivity; AC and DC magnetic properties; multi-harmonic AC susceptibility; vortex dynamics; magnetic materials
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Section Board Member
Laboratory of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece
Interests: plant’s ability to cope with stress, including genetic and epigenetic responses, establishment of principles and criteria for breeding stress-tolerant crop plants; integration of genomic, transcriptomic, and phenomic analysis in modern breeding
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Section Board Member
CNR NANOTEC - Institute of Nanotechnology, 73100 Lecce, Italy
Interests: neurodegenerative diseases; cancer; autoimmune and inflammatory diseases

Section Board Member
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, 03043 Cassino, Italy
Interests: manufacturing processes and systems; tolerance analysis; inspection; coordinate measuring machine; advanced processes and materials
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Section Board Member
D.I.C.Ar., Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
Interests: synthesis and study of the property-structure relationships of high-performance polymers; study and optimization of the composition of polymeric surfaces; synthesis and characterization of nanostructured polymeric systems; polymeric materials for electronics

Section Board Member
1. Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of L’Aquila, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy
2. Center of Excellence DEWS, University of L’Aquila, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy
Interests: electronic design automation (with focus on ESL HW/SW co-design); networked embedded systems (with focus on wireless sensor networks)
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