Special Issues

Biology publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Machine Learning Applications in Biology—2nd Edition submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 70 | Submission Open
Keywords: machine learning; genomics; epigenomics; genetic variation and the environment; gene regulatory networks; integration of multipurpose NGS data
(This special issue belongs to the Section Bioinformatics)
Plant-Microbe Interaction: The Cellular Mechanism Influence Plant Health
edited by and Gongjun Shi
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 57 | Submission Open
Keywords: plant-microbe interaction; plant health; plant immunity; gene-for-gene model; resistosomes; metabolic crosstalk; climate change
The Impact of Climate Change on Quality, Yield, and Nutritional Properties of Cereals, Legumes, and Oilseeds
edited by
submission deadline 1 May 2025 | Viewed by 164 | Submission Open
Keywords: climate change; cereals; legumes; oilseeds; grain quality; seed nutrition; yield; elevated temperatures; drought; salinity; atmospheric CO2; multi-omics; field trials; crop modelling; data integration; climate resilience; breed-ing strategies; agronomic practices; beneficial microorganisms; underutilised crops; orphan crops
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant Science)
Microbial Contamination and Food Safety (Volume II)
edited by
submission deadline 15 May 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 5447 | Submission Open
Keywords: food contamination; food safety practices; microbial inactivation; microbial safety; microbiological hazards
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microbiology)
Internal Defense System and Evolution of Aquatic Animals
edited by
submission deadline 15 May 2025 | 5 articles | Viewed by 5105 | Submission Open
Keywords: internal defense system; evolution; aquatic animals; immunology; aquatic environment; biodiversity; pollution; ecosystems
(This special issue belongs to the Section Evolutionary Biology)
Role of the Human Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease
edited by Jerome Gay-Quéheillard
submission deadline 21 May 2025 | Viewed by 119 | Submission Open
Keywords: microbiota; dysbiosis; gut epithelial barrier; IBD; brain– gut axis; obesity; anxiety; depression; immune system; prebiotics; probiotics
Biology, Ecology and Management of Aquatic Macrophytes
edited by , Shuang Zhao and
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | 9 articles | Viewed by 8371 | Submission Open
Keywords: aquatic macrophytes; ecological planning and management; harmful algal blooms and control; biological resources and environment; mangrove forest; ecological restoration; biodiversity; plant physiology; water security
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant Science)
Repair and Regeneration of Skeletal Muscle
edited by Huili Tong
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 825 | Submission Open
Keywords: skeletal muscle; sarcopenia; atrophy; muscle satellite cells; regeneration and repair
(This special issue belongs to the Section Developmental Biology)
Mechanisms Underlying Neuronal Network Activity
edited by Jorge Flores-Hernandez
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 642 | Submission Open
Keywords: neurons; brain circuits; NMDA receptors; acetylcholine; excitability; Parkinson’ s; schizophrenia; learning; attention
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience)
Immune Microenvironment and Molecular Mechanism of Glioma
edited by Carolina Cristina Jancic
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 379 | Submission Open
Keywords: gliomas; tumor microenvironment; immune response; tumor evasion; tumor resistance; immunotherapy TRANSLATE with x English Arabic Hebrew Polish Bulgarian Hindi Portuguese Catalan Hmong Daw Romanian Chinese Simplified Hungarian Russian Chinese Traditional Indonesian Slovak Czech Italian Slovenian Danish Japanese Spanish Dutch Klingon Swedish English Korean Thai Estonian Latvian Turkish Finnish Lithuanian Ukrainian French Malay Urdu German Maltese Vietnamese Greek Norwegian Welsh Haitian Creole Persian   //   TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW Back EMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITE Enable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster Portal Back //     This page is in Latin   Translate to Simplified Chinese         Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Bengali Bulgarian Catalan Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Korean Kurdish (Kurmanji) Lao Latvian Lithuanian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Myanmar (Burmese) Nepali Norwegian Pashto Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Samoan Simplified Chinese Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Traditional Chinese Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese Welsh   Always translate Latin to Simplified ChinesePRO Never translate Latin Never translate admin.mdpi.com
(This special issue belongs to the Section Cancer Biology)
Understanding and Targeting Biological Mechanisms of Heart Failure (2nd Edition)
edited by and
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 340 | Submission Open
Keywords: developmental biology; genetics; stem cells; heart failure; cell therapy
(This special issue belongs to the Section Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Genetic Variability within and between Populations
edited by
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 300 | Submission Open
Keywords: genetic structure; population differentiation; FST or fixation index; migration; gene flow; admixture; heterozygosity; inbreeding; coalescence time; allele frequency; random mating
(This special issue belongs to the Section Evolutionary Biology)
Aquatic Animal Nutrition and Feed
edited by Yun Wang
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 205 | Submission Open
Keywords: aquaculture; aquatic animals; nutrition; aquatic feed; immunity; metabolism
Exposure to Heavy Metals: Advances in Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity
edited by Qianru Chi
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 178 | Submission Open
Keywords: heavy metal pollutants; exposure assessment; toxic mechanism; biomarkers; metabolomics; environmental quality monitoring; bioinformatics analysis methods
(This special issue belongs to the Section Toxicology)
Young Researchers in Conservation Biology and Biodiversity
edited by
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 160 | Submission Open
Keywords: population genomics and diversity; heterozygosity; inbreeding; hybridization; adaptive introgression; natural selection; speciation; bottleneck and population fragmentation; genetic drift; gene flow; extinction risk; evolvability; paleogenomics; phylogeography; conservation units; ecotypes; phylogenetics and systematics; eDNA; non-invasive genetic sampling; environmental monitoring
(This special issue belongs to the Section Conservation Biology and Biodiversity)
Unraveling the Influence of Genetic Variants on Gene Regulation
edited by Marcio A.A. Almeida
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 139 | Submission Open
Keywords: genetics; genomics; gene expression analysis; EQTL identification; machine learning and artificial intelligence
(This special issue belongs to the Section Genetics and Genomics)
The Biology and Behavior of Bees
edited by
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 134 | Submission Open
Keywords: pollinators; bee anatomy; bee foraging behavior; bee communication; bee social structure; environmental stressors of bees; effect of pesticide on bees’ behavior; bees’ habitat loss; natural enemies of bees; bees’ disease management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Zoology)
Cotton: Genomics, Biotechnology and Molecular Breeding
edited by
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 133 | Submission Open
Keywords: cotton; genomics; functional genomics; biotechnology; germplasm; QTL mapping; molecular breeding
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant Science)
Stem Cells in Experimental Medicine
edited by Xinhua Liao and
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 130 | Submission Open
Keywords: adult stem cells; induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSs); embryonic stem cells; progenitor cells; stem-cell-derived organoids; stem-cell-derived exosomes; stem-cell-based therapy; stem-cell-based disease modeling; stem-cell-based tissue engineering
(This special issue belongs to the Section Cell Biology)
Research Progress on Salt Stress in Plants
edited by
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 123 | Submission Open
Keywords: salt stress; plants; crops; soil salinization; salt tolerance; abiotic stress; plant protection; plant breeding
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant Science)
From Conception to Birth: Embryonic Development and Disease
edited by , Soultana Meditskou and
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 109 | Submission Open
Keywords: embryology; organogenesis; cell differentiation; gametes; reproduction; sex ratio; birth defects; pathophysiology; disease
(This special issue belongs to the Section Reproductive Biology)
Animal Models of Retinal Degenerative Diseases
edited by Elliot H. Choi and Marco Bassetto
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 89 | Submission Open
Keywords: retinal degeneration; inherited retinal diseases; retina; retinal pigment epithelium; animal models; photoreceptors; retinal ganglion cells; choroid; neovascularization
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience)
Understanding Syncope: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Diagnosis and Management
edited by and Laranjo Sergio
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 84 | Submission Open
Keywords: syncope; diagnostic strategies; prognostication; treatment options; quality of life; wearable devices; artificial intelligence; autonomic dysfunction; orthostatic hypotension; POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience)
From the Eye to the Brain: Current Progress in Elucidating the Neural Circuit Dynamics Underlying Visual Processing
edited by Manuel Gomez-Ramirez
submission deadline 31 May 2025 | Viewed by 71 | Submission Open
Keywords: calcium imaging; optogenetics; ultrasound; 2-photon imaging; non-human primates; humans; optics; neurons; dendrites
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience)
Biomarkers in Stress Biology and Ecology submission deadline 1 Jun 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 4248 | Submission Open
Keywords: biomarkers; ecotoxicology; environmental contamination; stress ecology; neurotoxicity; oxidative stress; pollution
Wetland Ecosystems (2nd Edition)
edited by , Chenglang Pan and Qiang Wang
submission deadline 1 Jun 2025 | 5 articles | Viewed by 3092 | Submission Open
Keywords: biological invasion; pollution; carbon sink function; the biogeochemical cycle of biogenic elements; population and community ecology; global climate change; coastal zone management; the structure and function of the microbiome; environmental adaptation mechanisms of wetland organisms; wetland landscape; wetland degradation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Ecology)
Animal Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases
edited by Xiangyu Guo
submission deadline 1 Jun 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1681 | Submission Open
Keywords: neurodegenerative diseases; Alzheimer's disease; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Parkinson's disease; Huntington's disease; neuroscience; animal models; pathogenesis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience)
Recent Advances in Biosynthesis and Degradation of Plant Anthocyanin
edited by and
submission deadline 15 Jun 2025 | 4 articles | Viewed by 7668 | Submission Open
Keywords: anthocyanin; fruit ripening; flowering coloration; leaf coloration; secondary metabolite; molecular mechanism
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant Science)
From Basics to Applications of Gene Regulatory Networks
edited by
submission deadline 15 Jun 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1375 | Submission Open
Keywords: gene regulatory networks; computational methods; modeling and simulation; disease mechanisms; therapeutic targeting; transcriptomics
(This special issue belongs to the Section Genetics and Genomics)
Immune Response Regulation in Animals
edited by and
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | 8 articles | Viewed by 16311 | Submission Open
Keywords: immunoregulation of animals; vaccination; immunomodulators; immune memory; cytokine; biotechnology; immune response; molecular networks
(This special issue belongs to the Section Immunology)
Editorial Board Members' Collection Series: Cell Signaling in Health and Disease submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | 5 articles | Viewed by 10541 | Submission Open
Keywords: disease pathophysiology; cell differentiation; tissue homeostasis; organ remodeling; cell biology; cell morphology; embryology; human anatomy; organogenesis; organ meiopragia
(This special issue belongs to the Section Cell Biology)
Pregnancy Health and Complications: Molecular Processes and Mechanisms
edited by
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 9674 | Submission Open
Keywords: placenta; uterine; fetus; adverse pregnancy outcome; preterm birth; preeclampsia; gestational diabetes; maternal– fetal interface; immune tolerance; inflammation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Reproductive Biology)
De Novo Detection of Transposons
edited by Dongying Gao, and
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 6655 | Submission Open
Keywords: transposons; de novo detection; genome; evolution; activity; data analysis pipeline
(This special issue belongs to the Section Genetics and Genomics)
Understanding the Genomic Mechanisms of Oncology
edited by Sharona Elgavish and
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1707 | Submission Open
Keywords: omics; genomics; proteomics; metabolomics; genome-wide mutation profiling; epigenetics; medical imaging; tumor microenvironment; machine-learning
(This special issue belongs to the Section Genetics and Genomics)
Applications of Proteomics in Biological Fluids and Biopsies
edited by
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1217 | Submission Open
Keywords: proteomics; biological fluids; biomarkers; biopsies; disease; diagnosis; mechanisms
(This special issue belongs to the Section Medical Biology)
Metals in Biology (2nd Edition)
edited by
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 659 | Submission Open
Keywords: metalloenzymes; iron sulfur cluster; mn cluster; photosystem I; photosystem II
Plant–Microbe–Environment Interactions Under Current Climate Constraints: Unravelling Mechanisms of Pathogen Action and Host Defense in Agroforestry Systems
edited by Arcangela Frascella and
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 623 | Submission Open
Keywords: microorganism– plant interactions; plant disease; biodiversity; secondary metabolites; biocontrol; invasive pathogens; oomycetes; climate change
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant Science)
Deciphering the Biological Activity of Natural Compounds: Metabolic Control and Health Repercussions submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 273 | Submission Open
Keywords: bioactive compounds; cytotoxic activity; pharmacology; enzyme inhibition; antioxidants; molecular mechanisms; anti-inflammatory activity; in vivo/vitro models; phytochemical analysis/evaluation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant Science)
The Role of Immune Responses in Liver Disease Progression
edited by Nazli Khodayari
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 226 | Submission Open
Keywords: alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency-associated liver disease; liver fibrosis; hepatic ER stress; lipid metabolism; pathogenesis; therapeutics
Advances in Systems Metabolic Engineering for Biochemicals Production
edited by Huan Liu
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 187 | Submission Open
Keywords: systems metabolic engineering; biochemicals; synthetic biology; bioprocess engineering; pathway modification; strain development
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microbiology)
Interactions between Membrane Proteins and Membrane Lipids
edited by
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 183 | Submission Open
Keywords: membrane protein; lipid bilayer; enzyme; channel; receptor; transporter; cryo-EM; X-ray crystallography; structural biology; drug target
(This special issue belongs to the Section Biophysics)
Novel Dynamics and Mechanisms of Stromal-Leukocyte Interactions in Chronic Tissue Inflammation and Healing
edited by Matthias Friedrich, Pablo Céspedes and Mathilde Pohin
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 178 | Submission Open
Keywords: autoimmunity; chronicity; wound healing; intolerance; immune/immunological synapses; cytokine networks; antigen presentation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Physiology)
Recent Advances in Neuroscience: Theoretical, Applied, and Experimental Research
edited by
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 154 | Submission Open
Keywords: neuroscience; genetics; brain; optogenetics; fMRI; MRI; TMS; tDCS; gene therapy; evolutionary neuroscience; psychiatric disorders
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience)
Young Researchers in Immunology
edited by and Moses New-Aaron
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 144 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section Immunology)
Metabolic Regulation of Pancreatic Beta Cells
edited by Ishant Khurana
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 127 | Submission Open
Keywords: pancreatic beta cells; metabolism; glucose homeostasis; insulin secretion; diabetes; therapeutic targets; beta cell development and function; molecular mechanisms; metabolic pathways; diabetes therapy
(This special issue belongs to the Section Physiology)
Young Researchers in Plant Sciences
edited by
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 120 | Submission Open
Keywords: biodiversity; biogeography; biotic and abiotic stress responses; carbon sequestration; ecosystem functions; gene– function relationships; photosynthesis; phytohormones; phytoremediation; plant interactions with viruses; bacteria; fungi; plants; and animals; primary and secondary metabolism; seed development; signalling pathways; structure– function simulation modelling
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant Science)
Biosynthesis of Ribosomes
edited by Fuxing Zeng
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 106 | Submission Open
Keywords: ribosome biogenesis; ribosome assembly; ribosome precursor; rRNA modification; ribosomal proteins; ribosomopathies; assembly factors
(This special issue belongs to the Section Genetics and Genomics)
Biological Mechanisms of Photoprotection and Innovative Strategies for UV Protection submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 102 | Submission Open
Keywords: antioxidants; oxidative stress; photoprotection; UV radiation; photobiology; skin damage; skin biometrics; sunscreens
(This special issue belongs to the Section Physiology)
Nanomedicine: Cancer Therapy and Antimicrobial Treatment
edited by Yadan Zheng
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 82 | Submission Open
Keywords: nanomedicine; immunotherapy; gene therapy; drug delivery; theranostic
(This special issue belongs to the Section Cancer Biology)
Paper Collection: Understanding Immune Systems
edited by and Jameel M. Inal
submission deadline 30 Jun 2025 | Viewed by 55 | Submission Open
Keywords: immune mechanisms; evolutionary immunology; comparative immunology; innate immunity; adaptive immunity; autoimmunity; chronic inflammation; immune ageing; host– pathogen interactions; vaccinology; regenerative medicine
(This special issue belongs to the Section Immunology)
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