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Taxonomic Revision of the pulcherrima Clade of Metschnikowia (Fungi): Merger of Species
by Matthias Sipiczki
Seed Morphological Properties Related to Taxonomy in Silene L. Species
by José Javier Martín-Gómez, José Luis Rodríguez-Lorenzo, Ana Juan, Ángel Tocino, Bohuslav Janousek and Emilio Cervantes
Perils of Underestimating Species Diversity: Revisiting Systematics of Psammocambeva Catfishes (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from the Rio Paraíba do Sul Basin, South-Eastern Brazil
by Wilson J. E. M. Costa, José Leonardo Mattos, Paulo J. Vilardo, Pedro F. Amorim and Axel M. Katz
Acinetobacter nematophilus sp. nov., Alcaligenes nematophilus sp. nov., Enterobacter nematophilus sp. nov., and Kaistia nematophila sp. nov., Isolated from Soil-Borne Nematodes and Proposal for the Elevation of Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faecalis, Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. parafaecalis, and Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. phenolicus to the Species Level
by Ricardo A. R. Machado, Ameni Loulou, Aashaq Hussain Bhat, Maristella Mastore, Céline Terrettaz, Maurizio Francesco Brivio and Sadreddine Kallel
Redescription of Stolephorus ronquilloi Wongratana, 1983 and Description of Stolephorus hindustanensis, a New Anchovy from the Western Coast of India (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae)
by Harutaka Hata and Hiroyuki Motomura
Ceratozamia schiblii (Zamiaceae): A New Cycad Species from the Eastern Mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico
by Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Timothy J. Gregory, Jeffrey Chemnick, Silvia Salas-Morales, Michael Calonje and Pedro Díaz-Jiménez
Description of Stolephorus horizon n. sp. from Fiji and Tonga, and redescription of Stolephorus scitulus (Fowler, 1911) (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae)
by Harutaka Hata and Hiroyuki Motomura
Phylogenomic Analysis Supports the Transfer of 20 Pathovars from Xanthomonas campestris into Xanthomonas euvesicatoria
by Jamie Harrison, Rana M. F. Hussain, Andrew Aspin, Murray R. Grant, Joana G. Vicente and David J. Studholme
Zamia magnifica (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): A New Rupicolous Cycad Species from Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, Mexico
by Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Mauricio Gerónimo Martínez-Martínez and Michael Calonje
Comparison of Seed Images with Geometric Models, an Approach to the Morphology of Silene (Caryophyllaceae)
by José Javier Martín-Gómez, José Luis Rodríguez-Lorenzo, Bohuslav Janoušek, Ana Juan and Emilio Cervantes
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A New Species of Proctoporus (Reptilia, Gymnophthalmidae, Cercosaurinae) from the Puna of the Otishi National Park in Peru
by Edgar Lehr, Juan C. Cusi, Maura I. Fernandez, Ricardo J. Vera and Alessandro Catenazzi
A New Species of Large Duck (Aves: Anatidae) from the Miocene of New Zealand
by Alan J. D. Tennyson, Liam Greer, Pascale Lubbe, Felix G. Marx, Marcus D. Richards, Simone Giovanardi and Nicolas J. Rawlence
Zamia magnifica (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): A New Rupicolous Cycad Species from Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, Mexico
by Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Mauricio Gerónimo Martínez-Martínez and Michael Calonje
Evidence-Based Taxonomy: Labels as Illocutionary Acts
by Antonio G. Valdecasas, Marisa L. Pelaéz, Quentin D. Wheeler and Marcelo R. de Carvalho
A New Giant Petrel (Macronectes, Aves: Procellariidae) from the Pliocene of Taranaki, New Zealand
by Alan J. D. Tennyson and Rodrigo B. Salvador
Taxonomic Revision of the pulcherrima Clade of Metschnikowia (Fungi): Merger of Species
by Matthias Sipiczki
A New Species of Terrestrial-Breeding Frog, Genus Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae), from the Peruvian Yungas of Central Peru
by Pablo J. Venegas, Luis A. García-Ayachi, Axel Marchelie, Jesús R. Ormeño and Alessandro Catenazzi
Comparative Morphological Analysis of Two Species of Turtle Leeches Coexisting in North America (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae): Embryological Evidence for Character Displacement
by Roy T. Sawyer
Phylogenomic Analysis Supports the Transfer of 20 Pathovars from Xanthomonas campestris into Xanthomonas euvesicatoria
by Jamie Harrison, Rana M. F. Hussain, Andrew Aspin, Murray R. Grant, Joana G. Vicente and David J. Studholme
Systematic Assessment of Hebius beddomei (Günther, 1864) (Serpentes: Colubridae: Natricinae) with Description of a New Genus and a New Allied Species from the Western Ghats, India
by Harshil Patel, Tejas Thackeray, Patrick D. Campbell and Zeeshan A. Mirza
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Zamia magnifica (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): A New Rupicolous Cycad Species from Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, Mexico
by Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Mauricio Gerónimo Martínez-Martínez and Michael Calonje
Cytogeography of the East Asian Tulips (Amana, Liliaceae)
by Jing Wu, Meizhen Wang, Zhangshichang Zhu, Minqi Cai, Joongku Lee and Pan Li
Evidence-Based Taxonomy: Labels as Illocutionary Acts
by Antonio G. Valdecasas, Marisa L. Pelaéz, Quentin D. Wheeler and Marcelo R. de Carvalho
A New Giant Petrel (Macronectes, Aves: Procellariidae) from the Pliocene of Taranaki, New Zealand
by Alan J. D. Tennyson and Rodrigo B. Salvador
Taxonomic Revision of the pulcherrima Clade of Metschnikowia (Fungi): Merger of Species
by Matthias Sipiczki
A New Species of Large Duck (Aves: Anatidae) from the Miocene of New Zealand
by Alan J. D. Tennyson, Liam Greer, Pascale Lubbe, Felix G. Marx, Marcus D. Richards, Simone Giovanardi and Nicolas J. Rawlence
New Brittle Stars (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) from the Oligocene of the Mainz Basin, Germany
by Ben Thuy, Kai Nungesser and Lea D. Numberger-Thuy
Seed Morphological Properties Related to Taxonomy in Silene L. Species
by José Javier Martín-Gómez, José Luis Rodríguez-Lorenzo, Ana Juan, Ángel Tocino, Bohuslav Janousek and Emilio Cervantes
Ceratozamia schiblii (Zamiaceae): A New Cycad Species from the Eastern Mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico
by Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Timothy J. Gregory, Jeffrey Chemnick, Silvia Salas-Morales, Michael Calonje and Pedro Díaz-Jiménez
Description of Bisbalus, a New Genus for the Gray Brocket, Mazama cita Osgood, 1912 (Mammalia, Cervidae), as a Step to Solve the Neotropical Deer Puzzle
by Eluzai Dinai Pinto Sandoval, Wlodzimierz Jędrzejewski, Jesús Molinari, Miluse Vozdova, Halina Cernohorska, Svatava Kubickova, Agda Maria Bernegossi, Renato Caparroz and José Mauricio Barbanti Duarte
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