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Universe, Volume 7, Issue 9 (September 2021) – 39 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Gravitational-wave detected neutron star mergers will be accompanied by various electromagnetic emission features. Telescopes can identify these astrophysical transients and use these observations to understand much more about the processes and geometry of these systems. Gravitational waves provide a distance measure to these sources; however, the distance is correlated with the system orientation on the sky. The shape of the late afterglow contains information about the system inclination, and by modelling the light curves, this distance–inclination degeneracy can be broken. Here, we show that estimates of the inclination, and other afterglow parameters, can be affected by the inclusion or omission of various physical effects. We highlight the role of lateral spreading and the structure of the jet that gives rise to the observed transients. View this paper
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32 pages, 635 KiB  
Architecture of Hierarchical Stellar Systems and Their Formation
by Andrei Tokovinin
Universe 2021, 7(9), 352; - 21 Sep 2021
Cited by 53 | Viewed by 3358
Accumulation of new data on stellar hierarchical systems and the progress in numerical simulations of their formation open the door to genetic classification of these systems, where properties of a certain group (family) of objects are tentatively related to their formation mechanisms and [...] Read more.
Accumulation of new data on stellar hierarchical systems and the progress in numerical simulations of their formation open the door to genetic classification of these systems, where properties of a certain group (family) of objects are tentatively related to their formation mechanisms and early evolution. A short review of the structure and statistical trends of known stellar hierarchies is given. Like binaries, they can be formed by the disk and core fragmentation events happening sequentially or simultaneously and followed by the evolution of masses and orbits driven by continuing accretion of gas and dynamical interactions between stars. Several basic formation scenarios are proposed and associated qualitatively with the architecture of real systems, although quantitative predictions for these scenarios are still pending. The general trend of increasing orbit alignment with decreasing system size points to the critical role of the accretion-driven orbit migration, which also explains the typically comparable masses of stars belonging to the same system. The architecture of some hierarchies bears imprints of chaotic dynamical interactions. Characteristic features of each family are illustrated by several real systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Stellar Astrophysics)
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34 pages, 1581 KiB  
Evolution of Neutron Star Magnetic Fields
by Andrei P. Igoshev, Sergei B. Popov and Rainer Hollerbach
Universe 2021, 7(9), 351; - 20 Sep 2021
Cited by 69 | Viewed by 5222
Neutron stars are natural physical laboratories allowing us to study a plethora of phenomena in extreme conditions. In particular, these compact objects can have very strong magnetic fields with non-trivial origin and evolution. In many respects, its magnetic field determines the appearance of [...] Read more.
Neutron stars are natural physical laboratories allowing us to study a plethora of phenomena in extreme conditions. In particular, these compact objects can have very strong magnetic fields with non-trivial origin and evolution. In many respects, its magnetic field determines the appearance of a neutron star. Thus, understanding the field properties is important for the interpretation of observational data. Complementing this, observations of diverse kinds of neutron stars enable us to probe parameters of electro-dynamical processes at scales unavailable in terrestrial laboratories. In this review, we first briefly describe theoretical models of the formation and evolution of the magnetic field of neutron stars, paying special attention to field decay processes. Then, we present important observational results related to the field properties of different types of compact objects: magnetars, cooling neutron stars, radio pulsars, and sources in binary systems. After that, we discuss which observations can shed light on the obscure characteristics of neutron star magnetic fields and their behaviour. We end the review with a subjective list of open problems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Universe: Feature Papers − Compact Objects)
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22 pages, 3234 KiB  
Analog Particle Production Model for General Classes of Taub-NUT Black Holes
by Joshua Foo, Michael R. R. Good and Robert B. Mann
Universe 2021, 7(9), 350; - 20 Sep 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 2254
We derive a correspondence between the Hawking radiation spectra emitted from general classes of Taub-NUT black holes with that induced by the relativistic motion of an accelerated Dirichlet boundary condition (i.e., a perfectly reflecting mirror) in (1+1)-dimensional flat spacetime. We demonstrate that the [...] Read more.
We derive a correspondence between the Hawking radiation spectra emitted from general classes of Taub-NUT black holes with that induced by the relativistic motion of an accelerated Dirichlet boundary condition (i.e., a perfectly reflecting mirror) in (1+1)-dimensional flat spacetime. We demonstrate that the particle and energy spectra is thermal at late times and that particle production is suppressed by the NUT parameter. We also compute the radiation spectrum in the rotating, electrically charged (Kerr–Newman) Taub-NUT scenario, and the extremal case, showing, explicitly, how these parameters affect the outgoing particle and energy fluxes. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Cosmological Models, Quantum Theories and Astrophysical Observations)
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8 pages, 1395 KiB  
A Bayesian Inference Framework for Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Properties
by En-Tzu Lin, Fergus Hayes, Gavin P. Lamb, Ik Siong Heng, Albert K. H. Kong, Michael J. Williams, Surojit Saha and John Veitch
Universe 2021, 7(9), 349; - 17 Sep 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2353
In the field of multi-messenger astronomy, Bayesian inference is commonly adopted to compare the compatibility of models given the observed data. However, to describe a physical system like neutron star mergers and their associated gamma-ray burst (GRB) events, usually more than ten physical [...] Read more.
In the field of multi-messenger astronomy, Bayesian inference is commonly adopted to compare the compatibility of models given the observed data. However, to describe a physical system like neutron star mergers and their associated gamma-ray burst (GRB) events, usually more than ten physical parameters are incorporated in the model. With such a complex model, likelihood evaluation for each Monte Carlo sampling point becomes a massive task and requires a significant amount of computational power. In this work, we perform quick parameter estimation on simulated GRB X-ray light curves using an interpolated physical GRB model. This is achieved by generating a grid of GRB afterglow light curves across the parameter space and replacing the likelihood with a simple interpolation function in the high-dimensional grid that stores all light curves. This framework, compared to the original method, leads to a ?90× speedup per likelihood estimation. It will allow us to explore different jet models and enable fast model comparison in the future. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Waiting for GODOT—Present and Future of Multi-Messenger Astronomy)
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26 pages, 472 KiB  
Superconformal Line Defects in 3D
by Silvia Penati
Universe 2021, 7(9), 348; - 15 Sep 2021
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 1852
We review the recent progress in the study of line defects in three-dimensional Chern–Simons-matter superconformal field theories, notably the ABJM theory. The first part is focused on kinematical defects, supporting a topological sector of the theory. After reviewing the construction of this sector, [...] Read more.
We review the recent progress in the study of line defects in three-dimensional Chern–Simons-matter superconformal field theories, notably the ABJM theory. The first part is focused on kinematical defects, supporting a topological sector of the theory. After reviewing the construction of this sector, we concentrate on the evaluation of topological correlators from the partition function of the mass-deformed ABJM theory and provide evidence on the existence of topological quantum mechanics living on the line. In the second part, we consider the dynamical defects realized as latitude BPS Wilson loops for which an exact evaluation is available in terms of a latitude Matrix Model. We discuss the fundamental relation between these operators, the defect superconformal field theory and bulk physical quantities, such as the Bremsstrahlung function. This relation assigns a privileged role to BPS Wilson operators, which become the meeting point for three exact approaches: localization, integrability and conformal bootstrap. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Women Physicists in Astrophysics, Cosmology and Particle Physics)
17 pages, 307 KiB  
Baryon-Antibaryon Annihilation in the Evolution of Antimatter Domains in Baryon-Asymmetric Universe
by Maxim Y. Khlopov and Orchidea Maria Lecian
Universe 2021, 7(9), 347; - 15 Sep 2021
Viewed by 2090
Non-trivial baryosynthesis scenarios can lead to the existence of antimatter domains in a baryon-asymmetrical Universe. The consequences of antibaryon-baryon annihilation at the border of antimatter domains is investigated. Low-density antimatter domains are further classified according to the boundary interactions. A similar classification scheme [...] Read more.
Non-trivial baryosynthesis scenarios can lead to the existence of antimatter domains in a baryon-asymmetrical Universe. The consequences of antibaryon-baryon annihilation at the border of antimatter domains is investigated. Low-density antimatter domains are further classified according to the boundary interactions. A similar classification scheme is also proposed for higher-densities antimatter domains. The antiproton-proton annihilation interactions are therefore schematized and evaluated. The antinuclei-nuclei-interaction patterns are investigated. The two-point correlation functions for antimatter domains are studied in the case of baryon-antibaryon boundary interactions, which influence the space and time evolution. The space-time evolution of antimatter domains after the photon thermalization epoch is analyzed. Full article
19 pages, 1807 KiB  
Elongated Gravity Sources as an Analytical Limit for Flat Galaxy Rotation Curves
by Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada
Universe 2021, 7(9), 346; - 14 Sep 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 1989
The flattening of spiral-galaxy rotation curves is unnatural in view of the expectations from Kepler’s third law and a central mass. It is interesting, however, that the radius-independence velocity is what one expects in one less dimension. In our three-dimensional space, the rotation [...] Read more.
The flattening of spiral-galaxy rotation curves is unnatural in view of the expectations from Kepler’s third law and a central mass. It is interesting, however, that the radius-independence velocity is what one expects in one less dimension. In our three-dimensional space, the rotation curve is natural if, outside the galaxy’s center, the gravitational potential corresponds to that of a very prolate ellipsoid, filament, string, or otherwise cylindrical structure perpendicular to the galactic plane. While there is observational evidence (and numerical simulations) for filamentary structure at large scales, this has not been discussed at scales commensurable with galactic sizes. If, nevertheless, the hypothesis is tentatively adopted, the scaling exponent of the baryonic Tully–Fisher relation due to accretion of visible matter by the halo comes out to reasonably be 4. At a minimum, this analytical limit would suggest that simulations yielding prolate haloes would provide a better overall fit to small-scale galaxy data. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Modified Theories of Gravity and Cosmological Applications)
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44 pages, 1332 KiB  
Probing Quantum Gravity with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
by Tomislav Terzić, Daniel Kerszberg and Jelena Strišković
Universe 2021, 7(9), 345; - 14 Sep 2021
Cited by 20 | Viewed by 3019
High energy photons from astrophysical sources are unique probes for some predictions of candidate theories of Quantum Gravity (QG). In particular, Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope (IACTs) are instruments optimised for astronomical observations in the energy range spanning from a few tens of GeV [...] Read more.
High energy photons from astrophysical sources are unique probes for some predictions of candidate theories of Quantum Gravity (QG). In particular, Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope (IACTs) are instruments optimised for astronomical observations in the energy range spanning from a few tens of GeV to ?100 TeV, which makes them excellent instruments to search for effects of QG. In this article, we will review QG effects which can be tested with IACTs, most notably the Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) and its consequences. It is often represented and modelled with photon dispersion relation modified by introducing energy-dependent terms. We will describe the analysis methods employed in the different studies, allowing for careful discussion and comparison of the results obtained with IACTs for more than two decades. Loosely following historical development of the field, we will observe how the analysis methods were refined and improved over time, and analyse why some studies were more sensitive than others. Finally, we will discuss the future of the field, presenting ideas for improving the analysis sensitivity and directions in which the research could develop. Full article
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45 pages, 5878 KiB  
Fundamental Properties of the Dark and the Luminous Matter from the Low Surface Brightness Discs
by Paolo Salucci and Chiara di Paolo
Universe 2021, 7(9), 344; - 13 Sep 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3222
Dark matter (DM) is one of the biggest mystery in the Universe. In this review, we start reporting the evidences for this elusive component and discussing about the proposed particle candidates and scenarios for such phenomenon. Then, we focus on recent results obtained [...] Read more.
Dark matter (DM) is one of the biggest mystery in the Universe. In this review, we start reporting the evidences for this elusive component and discussing about the proposed particle candidates and scenarios for such phenomenon. Then, we focus on recent results obtained for rotating disc galaxies, in particular for low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies. The main observational properties related to the baryonic matter in LSBs, investigated over the last decades, are briefly recalled. Next, these galaxies are analyzed by means of the mass modelling of their rotation curves both individual and stacked. The latter analysis, via the universal rotation curve (URC) method, results really powerful in giving a global or universal description of the properties of these objects. We report the presence in LSBs of scaling relations among their structural properties that result comparable with those found in galaxies of different morphologies. All this confirms, in disc systems, the existence of a strong entanglement between the luminous matter (LM) and the dark matter (DM). Moreover, we report how in LSBs the tight relationship between their radial gravitational accelerations g and their baryonic components gb results to depend also on the stellar disk length scale and the radius at which the two accelerations have been measured. LSB galaxies strongly challenge the ?CDM scenario with the relative collisionless dark particle and, alongside with the non-detection of the latter, contribute to guide us towards a new scenario for the DM phenomenon. Full article
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16 pages, 994 KiB  
Dark Matter Axions, Non-Newtonian Gravity and Constraints on Them from Recent Measurements of the Casimir Force in the Micrometer Separation Range
by Galina L. Klimchitskaya and Vladimir M. Mostepanenko
Universe 2021, 7(9), 343; - 12 Sep 2021
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 2308
We consider axionlike particles as the most probable constituents of dark matter, the Yukawa-type corrections to Newton’s gravitational law and constraints on their parameters following from astrophysics and different laboratory experiments. After a brief discussion of the results by Prof. Yu. N. Gnedin [...] Read more.
We consider axionlike particles as the most probable constituents of dark matter, the Yukawa-type corrections to Newton’s gravitational law and constraints on their parameters following from astrophysics and different laboratory experiments. After a brief discussion of the results by Prof. Yu. N. Gnedin in this field, we turn our attention to the recent experiment on measuring the differential Casimir force between Au-coated surfaces of a sphere and the top and bottom of rectangular trenches. In this experiment, the Casimir force was measured over an unusually wide separation region from 0.2 to 8?m and compared with the exact theory based on first principles of quantum electrodynamics at nonzero temperature. We use the measure of agreement between experiment and theory to obtain the constraints on the coupling constant of axionlike particles to nucleons and on the interaction strength of a Yukawa-type interaction. The constraints obtained on the axion-to-nucleon coupling constant and on the strength of a Yukawa interaction are stronger by factors of 4 and 24, respectively, than those found previously from gravitational experiments and measurements of the Casimir force but weaker than the constraints following from a differential measurement where the Casimir force was nullified. Some other already performed and planned experiments aimed at searching for axions and non-Newtonian gravity are discussed, and their prospects are evaluated. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in the Physics of Stars - in Memory of Prof. Yuri N. Gnedin)
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13 pages, 2613 KiB  
Ionospheric Response along Meridian for the Certain Storm Using TEC and foF2
by Olga Maltseva, Artem Kharakhashyan and Tatyana Nikitenko
Universe 2021, 7(9), 342; - 11 Sep 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1832
For a long time, the equivalent ionospheric slab thickness ? has remained in the shadow of ionospheric main parameters: the maximum density, NmF2 (or the critical frequency, foF2), and the total electron content. Empirical global models have been developed for these two parameters. [...] Read more.
For a long time, the equivalent ionospheric slab thickness ? has remained in the shadow of ionospheric main parameters: the maximum density, NmF2 (or the critical frequency, foF2), and the total electron content. Empirical global models have been developed for these two parameters. Recently, several global models of ? have appeared concurrently. This paper compares ? of the Neustrelitz equivalent slab thickness model (NSTM), with ?(IRI-Plas) of the IRI-Plas model, and ?(Appr) of the approximation model, constructed along the 30° E meridian using data from several ionosondes. The choice of the model of the best conformity with observational data was made, which was used to study the effects of space weather during several magnetic storms in March 2012. The effects included: (1) a transition from negative disturbances at high latitudes to positive ones at low latitudes, (2) the super-fountain effect, which had been revealed and explained in previous papers, (3) a deepening of the main ionospheric trough. The efficiency of using ?(Appr) and ?(IRI-Plas) models for studying the effects of space weather has been confirmed. The advantage of the ?(Appr) model is its closeness to real data. The advantage of the ?(IRI-Plas) model is the ability to determine foF2 without ionosondes. The efficiency of the NSTM model is insufficient for a role of a global ? model due to the accuracy decreasing with the increasing latitude. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Planetary Plasma Environment)
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26 pages, 6487 KiB  
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with Germanium Detectors: 1026 yr and Beyond
by Valerio D’Andrea, Natalia Di Marco, Matthias Bernhard Junker, Matthias Laubenstein, Carla Macolino, Michele Morella, Francesco Salamida and Chiara Vignoli
Universe 2021, 7(9), 341; - 10 Sep 2021
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 3360
In the global landscape of neutrinoless double beta (0???) decay search, the use of semiconductor germanium detectors provides many advantages. The excellent energy resolution, the negligible intrinsic radioactive contamination, the possibility of enriching the crystals up to 88% [...] Read more.
In the global landscape of neutrinoless double beta (0???) decay search, the use of semiconductor germanium detectors provides many advantages. The excellent energy resolution, the negligible intrinsic radioactive contamination, the possibility of enriching the crystals up to 88% in the 76Ge isotope as well as the high detection efficiency, are all key ingredients for highly sensitive 0??? decay search. The Majorana and Gerda experiments successfully implemented the use of germanium (Ge) semiconductor detectors, reaching an energy resolution of 2.53 ± 0.08 keV at the Q?? and an unprecedented low background level of 5.2×10?4 cts/(keV·kg·yr), respectively. In this paper, we will review the path of 0??? decay search with Ge detectors from the original idea of E. Fiorini et al. in 1967, to the final recent results of the Gerda experiment setting a limit on the half-life of 76Ge 0??? decay at T1/2>1.8×1026 yr (90% C.L.). We will then present the LEGEND project designed to reach a sensitivity to the half-life up to 1028 yr and beyond, opening the way to the exploration of the normal ordering region. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay)
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12 pages, 496 KiB  
AGB Stars and Their Circumstellar Envelopes: An Operative Approach to Computing Their Atmospheres
by Lucio Crivellari, Sergio Cristallo and Luciano Piersanti
Universe 2021, 7(9), 340; - 10 Sep 2021
Viewed by 1776
The study of AGB stars necessarily covers a wide range of topics, from the primary astronomical observations to their interpretation in terms of fundamental physics. All that requires proper ad hoc methodologies, among which numerical modeling of the outer layers of AGB stars [...] Read more.
The study of AGB stars necessarily covers a wide range of topics, from the primary astronomical observations to their interpretation in terms of fundamental physics. All that requires proper ad hoc methodologies, among which numerical modeling of the outer layers of AGB stars plays a paramount role. In this paper, we present an iterative sequential procedure, operative and physically sound, tailored to compute extended stellar atmospheres. It will constitute the backbone of the in fieri TEIDE package to be implemented into our VULCAN code. Such an improvement will allow us to compute more realistic models of the extended atmospheres of AGB stars taking into account important physical aspects that are neglected in the actual version of VULCAN. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue AGB Stars: Element Forges of the Universe)
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9 pages, 1592 KiB  
EAS Arrays at High Altitudes Start the Era of UHE ?-ray Astronomy
by Zhen Cao
Universe 2021, 7(9), 339; - 9 Sep 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2088
The evolution of extensive air shower detection as a technique for ?-ray astronomical instrumentation for the last three decades is reviewed. The first discoveries of galactic PeVatrons by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory demonstrate the importance of this technique in [...] Read more.
The evolution of extensive air shower detection as a technique for ?-ray astronomical instrumentation for the last three decades is reviewed. The first discoveries of galactic PeVatrons by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory demonstrate the importance of this technique in ultra-high energy ?-ray astronomy. Utilizing this technique, the origins of high energy cosmic rays may be discovered in the near future. Full article
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23 pages, 3000 KiB  
Search for and Identification of Young Compact Galactic Supernova Remnants Using THOR
by Sujith Ranasinghe, Denis Leahy and Jeroen Stil
Universe 2021, 7(9), 338; - 9 Sep 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 1831
Young Supernova remnants (SNRs) with smaller angular sizes are likely missing from existing radio SNR catalogues, caused by observational constraints and selection effects. In order to find new compact radio SNR candidates, we searched the high angular resolution (25?) THOR radio [...] Read more.
Young Supernova remnants (SNRs) with smaller angular sizes are likely missing from existing radio SNR catalogues, caused by observational constraints and selection effects. In order to find new compact radio SNR candidates, we searched the high angular resolution (25?) THOR radio survey of the first quadrant of the galaxy. We selected sources with non-thermal radio spectra. HI absorption spectra and channel maps were used to identify which sources are galactic and to estimate their distances. Two new compact SNRs were found: G31.299-0.493 and G18.760-0.072, of which the latter was a previously suggested SNR candidate. The distances to these SNRs are 5.0±0.3 kpc and 4.7±0.2 kpc, respectively. Based on the SN rate in the galaxy or on the statistics of known SNRs, we estimate that there are 15–20 not-yet detected compact SNRs in the galaxy and that the THOR survey area should contain three or four. Our detection of two SNRs (half the expected number) is consistent with the THOR sensitivity limit compared with the distribution of integrated flux densities of SNRs. Full article
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11 pages, 312 KiB  
Properties of Doubly Heavy Baryons
by Zalak Shah, Amee Kakadiya, Keval Gandhi and Ajay Kumar Rai
Universe 2021, 7(9), 337; - 9 Sep 2021
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 2271
We revisited the mass spectra of the ?cc++ baryon with positive and negative parity states using Hypercentral Constituent Quark Model Scheme with Coloumb plus screened potential. The ground state of the baryon has been determined by the LHCb experiment, [...] Read more.
We revisited the mass spectra of the ?cc++ baryon with positive and negative parity states using Hypercentral Constituent Quark Model Scheme with Coloumb plus screened potential. The ground state of the baryon has been determined by the LHCb experiment, and the anticipated excited state masses of the baryon have been compared with several theoretical methodologies. The transition magnetic moments of all heavy baryons ?cc++, ?cc+, ?cc+, ?bb0, ?bb?, ?bb?, ?bc+, ?bc0, ?bc0 are also calculated and their values are ?1.013 ?N, 1.048 ?N, 0.961 ?N, ?1.69 ?N, 0.73 ?N, 0.48 ?N, ?1.39 ?N, 0.94 ?N and 0.710 ?N, respectively. Full article
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16 pages, 1144 KiB  
Topological Aspects of Dense Matter: Lattice Studies
by Maria Paola Lombardo
Universe 2021, 7(9), 336; - 9 Sep 2021
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2021
Topological fluctuations change their nature in the different phases of strong interactions, and the interrelation of topology, chiral symmetry and confinement at high temperature has been investigated in many lattice studies. This review is devoted to the much less explored subject of topology [...] Read more.
Topological fluctuations change their nature in the different phases of strong interactions, and the interrelation of topology, chiral symmetry and confinement at high temperature has been investigated in many lattice studies. This review is devoted to the much less explored subject of topology in dense matter. After a short overview of the status at zero density, which will serve as a baseline for the discussion, we will present lattice results for baryon rich matter, which, due to technical difficulties, has been mostly studied in two-color QCD, and for matter with isospin and chiral imbalances. In some cases, a coherent pattern emerges, and in particular the topological susceptibility seems suppressed at high temperature for baryon and isospin rich matter. However, at low temperatures the topological aspects of dense matter remain not completely clear and call for further studies. Full article
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9 pages, 277 KiB  
Gravitational Lensing of Supernova Neutrino Bursts
by John M. LoSecco
Universe 2021, 7(9), 335; - 8 Sep 2021
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1580
Supernova neutrino bursts have been observed from extragalactic distances. This note addresses the question of how gravitational lensing could distort the information in the burst. We apply the gravitational lens hypothesis to try to understand the time and brightness structure of the SN1987A [...] Read more.
Supernova neutrino bursts have been observed from extragalactic distances. This note addresses the question of how gravitational lensing could distort the information in the burst. We apply the gravitational lens hypothesis to try to understand the time and brightness structure of the SN1987A neutrino observations. Estimates of a possible lensing mass and alignment are made. These estimates suggest a path to verification. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gravitation)
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11 pages, 422 KiB  
Analogue Hawking Radiation in Nonlinear LC Transmission Lines
by Haruna Katayama, Noriyuki Hatakenaka and Ken-ichi Matsuda
Universe 2021, 7(9), 334; - 8 Sep 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2590
Analogue systems are used to test Hawking radiation, which is hard to observe in actual black holes. One such system is the electrical transmission line, but it suffers the inevitable issue of excess heat that collapses the successfully generated analogue black holes. Soliton [...] Read more.
Analogue systems are used to test Hawking radiation, which is hard to observe in actual black holes. One such system is the electrical transmission line, but it suffers the inevitable issue of excess heat that collapses the successfully generated analogue black holes. Soliton provides a possible solution to this problem due to its stable propagation without unnecessary energy dissipation in nonlinear transmission lines. In this work, we propose analogue Hawking radiation in a nonlinear LC transmission line including nonlinear capacitors with a third-order nonlinearity in voltage. We show that this line supports voltage soliton that obeys the nonlinear Schrödinger equation by using the discrete reductive perturbation method. The voltage soliton spatially modifies the velocity of the electromagnetic wave through the Kerr effect, resulting in an event horizon where the velocity of the electromagnetic wave is equal to the soliton velocity. Therefore, Hawking radiation bears soliton characteristics, which significantly contribute to distinguishing it from other radiation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Analogue Gravity)
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14 pages, 483 KiB  
Model-Independent Searches for New Physics in Multi-Body Invariant Masses
by Sergei Chekanov, Smita Darmora, Wasikul Islam, Carlos E. M. Wagner and Jinlong Zhang
Universe 2021, 7(9), 333; - 8 Sep 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 2472
Model-independent searches for physics beyond the Standard Model typically focus on invariant masses of two objects (jets, leptons or photons). In this study, we explore opportunities for similar model-agnostic searches in multi-body invariant masses. In particular, we focus on the situations in which [...] Read more.
Model-independent searches for physics beyond the Standard Model typically focus on invariant masses of two objects (jets, leptons or photons). In this study, we explore opportunities for similar model-agnostic searches in multi-body invariant masses. In particular, we focus on the situations in which new physics can be observed in a model-independent way in three and four-body invariant masses of jets and leptons. Such searches may have good prospects in finding new physics in the situations when two-body invariant masses, which have been extensively explored at collider experiments in the past, cannot provide sufficient signatures for experimental observations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section High Energy Nuclear and Particle Physics)
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17 pages, 406 KiB  
Schwarzschild-like Wormholes in Asymptotically Safe Gravity
by Geová Alencar and Matheus Nilton
Universe 2021, 7(9), 332; - 8 Sep 2021
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 2851
In this paper, we analyze the Schwarzschild-like wormhole in the Asymptotically Safe Gravity(ASG) scenario. The ASG corrections are implemented via renormalization group methods, which, as consequence, provides a new tensor X?? as a source to improved field equations, and promotes the [...] Read more.
In this paper, we analyze the Schwarzschild-like wormhole in the Asymptotically Safe Gravity(ASG) scenario. The ASG corrections are implemented via renormalization group methods, which, as consequence, provides a new tensor X?? as a source to improved field equations, and promotes the Newton’s constant into a running coupling constant. In particular, we check whether the radial energy conditions are satisfied and compare with the results obtained from the usual theory. We show that only in the particular case of the wormhole being asymptotically flat(Schwarzschild Wormholes) that the radial energy conditions are satisfied at the throat, depending on the chosen values for its radius r0. In contrast, in the general Schwarzschild-like case, there is no possibility of the energy conditions being satisfied nearby the throat, as in the usual case. After that, we calculate the radial state parameter, ?(r), in r0, in order to verify what type of cosmologic matter is allowed at the wormhole throat, and we show that in both cases there is the possibility of the presence of exotic matter, phantom or quintessence-like matter. Finally, we give the ?(r) solutions for all regions of space. Interestingly, we find that Schwarzschild-like Wormholes with excess of solid angle of the sphere in the asymptotic limit have the possibility of having non-exotic matter as source for certain values of the radial coordinate r. Furthermore, it was observed that quantum gravity corrections due the ASG necessarily imply regions with phantom-like matter, both for Schwarzschild and for Schwarzschild-like wormholes. This reinforces the supposition that a phantom fluid is always present for wormholes in this context. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Cosmological Models, Quantum Theories and Astrophysical Observations)
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10 pages, 281 KiB  
A Novel Mechanism of Pair Creation in Pulsar Magnetospheres
by Zaza Osmanov, George Machabeli and Nino Chkheidze
Universe 2021, 7(9), 331; - 6 Sep 2021
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1993
In this paper we study the possibility of efficient pair production in a pulsar’s magnetosphere. It has been shown that by means of relativistic centrifugal force the electrostatic field exponentially amplifies. As a result the field approaches the Schwinger limit leading to a [...] Read more.
In this paper we study the possibility of efficient pair production in a pulsar’s magnetosphere. It has been shown that by means of relativistic centrifugal force the electrostatic field exponentially amplifies. As a result the field approaches the Schwinger limit leading to a pair creation process in the light cylinder area where the effects of rotation are very efficient. Analysing the parameters of the normal period (?1 s) pulsars we found that the process is so efficient that the number density of electron–positron pairs exceeds the Goldreich–Julian density by five orders of magnitude. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Pulsar Magnetosphere and Wind)
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55 pages, 5861 KiB  
Different Faces of Confinement
by Roman Pasechnik and Michal Šumbera
Universe 2021, 7(9), 330; - 6 Sep 2021
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 2927
In this review, we provide a short outlook of some of the current most popular pictures and promising approaches to non-perturbative physics and confinement in gauge theories. A qualitative and by no means exhaustive discussion presented here covers such key topics as the [...] Read more.
In this review, we provide a short outlook of some of the current most popular pictures and promising approaches to non-perturbative physics and confinement in gauge theories. A qualitative and by no means exhaustive discussion presented here covers such key topics as the phases of QCD matter, the order parameters for confinement, the central vortex and monopole pictures of the QCD vacuum structure, fundamental properties of the string tension, confinement realisations in gauge-Higgs and Yang–Mills theories, magnetic order/disorder phase transition, among others. Full article
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11 pages, 1741 KiB  
Inclination Estimates from Off-Axis GRB Afterglow Modelling
by Gavin P. Lamb, Joseph J. Fernández, Fergus Hayes, Albert K. H. Kong, En-Tzu Lin, Nial R. Tanvir, Martin Hendry, Ik Siong Heng, Surojit Saha and John Veitch
Universe 2021, 7(9), 329; - 5 Sep 2021
Cited by 18 | Viewed by 2341
For gravitational wave (GW) detected neutron star mergers, one of the leading candidates for electromagnetic (EM) counterparts is the afterglow from an ultra-relativistic jet. Where this afterglow is observed, it will likely be viewed off-axis, such as the afterglow following GW170817/GRB 170817A. The [...] Read more.
For gravitational wave (GW) detected neutron star mergers, one of the leading candidates for electromagnetic (EM) counterparts is the afterglow from an ultra-relativistic jet. Where this afterglow is observed, it will likely be viewed off-axis, such as the afterglow following GW170817/GRB 170817A. The temporal behaviour of an off-axis observed GRB afterglow can be used to reveal the lateral jet structure, and statistical model fits can put constraints on the various model free-parameters. Amongst these parameters is the inclination of the system to the line of sight. Along with the GW detection, the afterglow modelling provides the best constraint on the inclination to the line-of-sight and can improve the estimates of cosmological parameters, for example, the Hubble constant, from GW-EM events. However, modelling of the afterglow depends on the assumed jet structure and—often overlooked—the effects of lateral spreading. Here we show how the inclusion of lateral spreading in the afterglow models can affect the estimated inclination of GW-EM events. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Waiting for GODOT—Present and Future of Multi-Messenger Astronomy)
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71 pages, 1210 KiB  
Co-Homology of Differential Forms and Feynman Diagrams
by Sergio Luigi Cacciatori, Maria Conti and Simone Trevisan
Universe 2021, 7(9), 328; - 3 Sep 2021
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 3188
In the present review we provide an extensive analysis of the intertwinement between Feynman integrals and cohomology theories in light of recent developments. Feynman integrals enter in several perturbative methods for solving non-linear PDE, starting from Quantum Field Theories and including General Relativity [...] Read more.
In the present review we provide an extensive analysis of the intertwinement between Feynman integrals and cohomology theories in light of recent developments. Feynman integrals enter in several perturbative methods for solving non-linear PDE, starting from Quantum Field Theories and including General Relativity and Condensed Matter Physics. Precision calculations involve several loop integrals and an onec strategy to address, which is to bring them back in terms of linear combinations of a complete set of integrals (the master integrals). In this sense Feynman integrals can be thought as defining a sort of vector space to be decomposed in term of a basis. Such a task may be simpler if the vector space is endowed with a scalar product. Recently, it has been discovered that, if these spaces are interpreted in terms of twisted cohomology, the role of a scalar product is played by intersection products. The present review is meant to provide the mathematical tools, usually familiar to mathematicians but often not in the standard baggage of physicists, such as singular, simplicial and intersection (co)homologies, and hodge structures, that are apt to restate this strategy on precise mathematical grounds. It is intended to be both an introduction for beginners interested in the topic, as well as a general reference providing helpful tools for tackling the several still-open problems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Universe: 5th Anniversary)
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55 pages, 1422 KiB  
An Overview on the Nature of the Bounce in LQC and PQM
by Gabriele Barca, Eleonora Giovannetti and Giovanni Montani
Universe 2021, 7(9), 327; - 1 Sep 2021
Cited by 33 | Viewed by 2849
We present a review on some of the basic aspects concerning quantum cosmology in the presence of cut-off physics as it has emerged in the literature during the last fifteen years. We first analyze how the Wheeler–DeWitt equation describes the quantum Universe dynamics, [...] Read more.
We present a review on some of the basic aspects concerning quantum cosmology in the presence of cut-off physics as it has emerged in the literature during the last fifteen years. We first analyze how the Wheeler–DeWitt equation describes the quantum Universe dynamics, when a pure metric approach is concerned, showing how, in general, the primordial singularity is not removed by the quantum effects. We then analyze the main implications of applying the loop quantum gravity prescriptions to the minisuperspace model, i.e., we discuss the basic features of the so-called loop quantum cosmology. For the isotropic Universe dynamics, we compare the original approach, dubbed the ?0 scheme, and the most commonly accepted formulation for which the area gap is taken as physically scaled, i.e., the so-called ?¯ scheme. Furthermore, some fundamental results concerning the Bianchi Universes are discussed, especially with respect to the morphology of the Bianchi IX model. Finally, we consider some relevant criticisms developed over the last ten years about the real link existing between the full theory of loop quantum gravity and its minisuperspace implementation, especially with respect to the preservation of the internal SU(2) symmetry. In the second part of the review, we consider the dynamics of the isotropic Universe and of the Bianchi models in the framework of polymer quantum mechanics. Throughout the paper, we focus on the effective semiclassical dynamics and study the full quantum theory only in some cases, such as the FLRW model and the Bianchi I model in the Ashtekar variables. We first address the polymerization in terms of the Ashtekar–Barbero–Immirzi connection and show how the resulting dynamics is isomorphic to the ?0 scheme of loop quantum cosmology with a critical energy density of the Universe that depends on the initial conditions of the dynamics. The following step is to analyze the polymerization of volume-like variables, both for the isotropic and Bianchi I models, and we see that if the Universe volume (the cubed scale factor) is one of the configurational variables, then the resulting dynamics is isomorphic to that one emerging in loop quantum cosmology for the ?¯ scheme, with the critical energy density value being fixed only by fundamental constants and the Immirzi parameter. Finally, we consider the polymer quantum dynamics of the homogeneous and inhomogeneous Mixmaster model by means of a metric approach. In particular, we compare the results obtained by using the volume variable, which leads to the emergence of a singularity- and chaos-free cosmology, to the use of the standard Misner variable. In the latter case, we deal with the surprising result of a cosmology that is still singular, and its chaotic properties depend on the ratio between the lattice steps for the isotropic and anisotropic variables. We conclude the review with some considerations of the problem of changing variables in the polymer representation of the minisuperspace dynamics. In particular, on a semiclassical level, we consider how the dynamics can be properly mapped in two different sets of variables (at the price of having to deal with a coordinate dependent lattice step), and we infer some possible implications on the equivalence of the ?0 and ?¯ scheme of loop quantum cosmology. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Quantum Cosmology)
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12 pages, 1311 KiB  
Extension of M Dwarf Spectra Based on Adversarial AutoEncoder
by Jiyu Wei, Xingzhu Wang, Bo Li, Yuze Chen and Bin Jiang
Universe 2021, 7(9), 326; - 31 Aug 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1643
M dwarfs are main sequence stars and they exist in all stages of galaxy evolution. As the living fossils of cosmic evolution, the study of M dwarfs is of great significance to the understanding of stars and the stellar populations of the Milky [...] Read more.
M dwarfs are main sequence stars and they exist in all stages of galaxy evolution. As the living fossils of cosmic evolution, the study of M dwarfs is of great significance to the understanding of stars and the stellar populations of the Milky Way. Previously, M dwarf research was limited due to insufficient spectroscopic spectra. Recently, the data volume of M dwarfs was greatly increased with the launch of large sky survey telescopes such as Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope. However, the spectra of M dwarfs mainly concentrate in the subtypes of M0–M4, and the number of M5–M9 is still relatively limited. With the continuous development of machine learning, the generative model was improved and provides methods to solve the shortage of specified training samples. In this paper, the Adversarial AutoEncoder is proposed and implemented to solve this problem. Adversarial AutoEncoder is a probabilistic AutoEncoder that uses the Generative Adversarial Nets to generate data by matching the posterior of the hidden code vector of the original data extracted by the AutoEncoder with a prior distribution. Matching the posterior to the prior ensures each part of prior space generated results in meaningful data. To verify the quality of the generated spectra data, we performed qualitative and quantitative verification. The experimental results indicate the generation spectra data enhance the measured spectra data and have scientific applicability. Full article
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15 pages, 322 KiB  
A Relativistic Entropic Hamiltonian–Lagrangian Approach to the Entropy Production of Spiral Galaxies in Hyperbolic Spacetime
by Michael C. Parker and Chris Jeynes
Universe 2021, 7(9), 325; - 31 Aug 2021
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 2402
Double-spiral galaxies are common in the Universe. It is known that the logarithmic double spiral is a Maximum Entropy geometry in hyperbolic (flat) spacetime that well represents an idealised spiral galaxy, with its central supermassive black hole (SMBH) entropy accounting for key galactic [...] Read more.
Double-spiral galaxies are common in the Universe. It is known that the logarithmic double spiral is a Maximum Entropy geometry in hyperbolic (flat) spacetime that well represents an idealised spiral galaxy, with its central supermassive black hole (SMBH) entropy accounting for key galactic structural features including the stability and the double-armed geometry. Over time the central black hole must accrete mass, with the overall galactic entropy increasing: the galaxy is not at equilibrium. From the associated entropic Euler–Lagrange Equation (enabling the application of Noether’s theorem) we develop analytic expressions for the galactic entropy production of an idealised spiral galaxy showing that it is a conserved quantity, and we also derive an appropriate expression for its relativistic entropic Hamiltonian. We generalise Onsager’s celebrated expression for entropy production and demonstrate that galactic entropy production (entropy production corresponds to the intrinsic dissipation characteristics) is composed of two parts, one many orders of magnitude larger than the other: the smaller is comparable to the Hawking radiation of the central SMBH, while the other is comparable to the high entropy processes occurring within the accretion disks of real SMBHs. We conclude that galaxies cannot be isolated, since even idealised spiral galaxies intrinsically have a non-zero entropy production. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Galaxies and Clusters)
19 pages, 378 KiB  
The Hunt for Pevatrons: The Case of Supernova Remnants
by Pierre Cristofari
Universe 2021, 7(9), 324; - 31 Aug 2021
Cited by 58 | Viewed by 2861
The search for Galactic pevatrons is now a well-identified key science project of all instruments operating in the very-high-energy domain. Indeed, in this energy range, the detection of gamma rays clearly indicates that efficient particle acceleration is taking place, and observations can thus [...] Read more.
The search for Galactic pevatrons is now a well-identified key science project of all instruments operating in the very-high-energy domain. Indeed, in this energy range, the detection of gamma rays clearly indicates that efficient particle acceleration is taking place, and observations can thus help identify which astrophysical sources can energize particles up to the ~PeV range, thus being pevatrons. In the search for the origin of Galactic cosmic rays (CRs), the PeV range is an important milestone, since the sources of Galactic CRs are expected to accelerate PeV particles. This is how the central scientific goal that is ’solving the mystery of the origin of CRs’ has often been distorted into ’finding (a) pevatron(s)’. Since supernova remnants (SNRs) are often cited as the most likely candidates for the origin of CRs, ’finding (a) pevatron(s)’ has often become ’confirming that SNRs are pevatrons’. Pleasingly, the first detection(s) of pevatron(s) were not associated to SNRs. Moreover, all clearly detected SNRs have yet revealed to not be pevatrons, and the detection from VHE gamma rays from regions unassociated with SNRs, are reminding us that other astrophysical sites might well be pevatrons. This short review aims at highlighting a few important results on the search for Galactic pevatrons. Full article
8 pages, 310 KiB  
New Anisotropic Exact Solution in Multifield Cosmology
by Andronikos Paliathanasis
Universe 2021, 7(9), 323; - 30 Aug 2021
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 1576
In the case of two-scalar field cosmology, and specifically for the Chiral model, we determine an exact solution for the field equations with an anisotropic background space. The exact solution can describe anisotropic inflation with a Kantowski–Sachs geometry and can be seen as [...] Read more.
In the case of two-scalar field cosmology, and specifically for the Chiral model, we determine an exact solution for the field equations with an anisotropic background space. The exact solution can describe anisotropic inflation with a Kantowski–Sachs geometry and can be seen as the anisotropic analogue of the hyperbolic inflation. Finally, we investigate the stability conditions for the exact solution. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Modified Theories of Gravity and Cosmological Applications)
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