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Soil Syst., Volume 7, Issue 2 (June 2023) – 33 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Soil erosion is a major environmental problem worldwide and is considered as the most severe form of soil degradation. It has direct implications for the environment and the economy. Soil erodibility (K-factor), plays a crucial role in predicting erosion and planning soil conservation measures. It is used to quantify soil erodibility in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), which estimate the amount of soil lost through runoff, rainfall on a standardized unit. This Study aims to provide scientific knowledge and practical guidance for preserving soil quality, preventing erosion, and ensuring the sustainability of ecosystems and the economic activities that depend on them for human existence. View this paper
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23 pages, 3963 KiB  
Microbial Degradation of Plant Residues Rapidly Causes Long-Lasting Hypoxia in Soil upon Irrigation and Affects Leaching of Nitrogen and Metals
by Martin Siedt, Eva-Maria Teggers, Volker Linnemann, Andreas Schäffer and Joost T. van Dongen
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 62; - 20 Jun 2023
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2185
With this study, we aim to relate the substrate quality of different organic materials derived from plant residues to the respiratory activity of soil microorganisms after amendment, the formation of oxygen gradients upon irrigation, and the leaching of macronutrients and metals in soil. [...] Read more.
With this study, we aim to relate the substrate quality of different organic materials derived from plant residues to the respiratory activity of soil microorganisms after amendment, the formation of oxygen gradients upon irrigation, and the leaching of macronutrients and metals in soil. Elemental analyses were performed to determine the chemical composition of wheat straw, green compost, and a biochar product, showing that carbon availability, C/N ratio, and metal contents varied markedly. Consequently, after application to well-aerated sandy loam soil at 1% w/w, only straw increased microbial activity substantially, and nitrate was depleted within one week. Upon intense irrigation of soil columns packed with differently amended soils, strong hypoxia formed only in straw–soil, where microbial oxygen demand for straw degradation was high. This was enhanced after the application of mineral fertilizers, and nitrate leaching was mitigated. With the decreasing redox potential in straw–soil, the leaching of Fe, Mn, Al, Ni, Co, and As was increased. However, nitrate from mineral fertilizer mitigated the reduction of redox potential and, thus, the leaching of these metals. Measuring oxygen at different depths revealed near anoxic conditions at −15 cm of straw–soil with NP-fertilizer applied within 12 h after the start of irrigation and remained for at least 60 h, while oxygen showed extensive fluctuations in the upper few centimeters. This study showed that organic soil amendments with high carbon availability induce microbial respiration to the extent that causes strong and long-lasting hypoxia upon irrigation, even in sandy soil, which leads to substantial effects on the mobility of nutrients and toxic metals. In contrast, organic soil amendments with low carbon availability did not cause such effects. Full article
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21 pages, 2011 KiB  
The Reinforcement of Early Growth, Extract, and Oil of Silybum marianum L. by Polymer Organic Cover and Bacteria Inoculation under Water Deficit
by Mansour Taghvaei, Mojtaba Dolat Kordestani, Mohammad Saleh and Andrea Mastinu
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 61; - 9 Jun 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2014
Early growth water stress reduces the extract and fresh oil of Silybum marianum L. (S. marianum) shoots. Two experiments were conducted to reduce the effects of early growth drought. Treatments in the first experiment were organic seed cover fillers at three [...] Read more.
Early growth water stress reduces the extract and fresh oil of Silybum marianum L. (S. marianum) shoots. Two experiments were conducted to reduce the effects of early growth drought. Treatments in the first experiment were organic seed cover fillers at three levels (control, vermicompost, and peat moss), hydrogel at seven levels (control, 2, 4, and 6 g hydrogelF1 per kg OSC, and 2, 4, and 6 g hydrogelA200 per kg organic seed cover), and water deficit at three levels (100, 50, and 25% of field capacity), and in the second experiment, seeds were inoculated with bacteria at four levels (control, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida, and their combination) and water deficit at four levels (100, 50, and 25% of field capacity). Our results showed that milk thistle seeds are sensitive to water deficit at the emergence stage. Covering milk thistle (S. marianum) seeds with organic seed cover increased water retention around the seeds and improved emergence percentage. Use of organic seed cover with hydrogel increased relative water content (RWC), leaf area, and shoot length, and increased extracts and oils in fresh shoots. Bacterial inoculation also improved initial growth and reduced the effect of water stress on the plant, and increased leaf number, extract, and oil. The combination of bacteria had a positive effect on initial growth and inoculation of seeds, P. fluorescens and P. putida increased relative water content (RWC), shoot height, and specific leaf area, and increased extract and oil under water deficit conditions. A comparison of the results showed that seed inoculation is a simple method without new culture medium, and improves extract and oil under water deficit conditions. Full article
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13 pages, 2217 KiB  
Long Term of Soil Carbon Stock in No-Till System Affected by a Rolling Landscape in Southern Brazil
by Edivaldo L. Thomaz and Julliane P. Kurasz
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 60; - 7 Jun 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1956
In the 1960s, a conservationist agricultural practice known as a “no-tillage system” was adopted. Several benefits such as soil erosion reduction and soil carbon sequestration, among others, could be ascribed to no-till systems. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the long-term sustainability of [...] Read more.
In the 1960s, a conservationist agricultural practice known as a “no-tillage system” was adopted. Several benefits such as soil erosion reduction and soil carbon sequestration, among others, could be ascribed to no-till systems. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the long-term sustainability of this agricultural system in different environments. This study has the objective to evaluate the soil organic carbon dynamic in a no-till system (40-year) and on a rolling landscape in Southern Brazil. A systematic grid with four transversal–longitudinal transects was used for soil sampling. Soil samples from 0–20, 20–40, and 40–60 cm depths were collected (16 trenches × 3 depths × 1 sample per soil layer = 48), and a forest nearby was used as control (4 trenches × 3 depths × 1 sample = 12). The soil at the forest site showed 20% more carbon stock than no-till at the 0–20 cm soil depth. However, the entire no-till soil profile (0–60 cm) showed similar soil carbon as forest soil. The soil carbon stock (0–20 cm) in no-till was depleted at a rate of 0.06 kg C m−2 year−1, summing up to a carbon loss of 2.43 kg C m−2. In addition, the non-uniform hillslope affected the soil carbon redistribution through the landscape, since the convex hillslope was more depleted in carbon by 37% (15.87 kg C m−2) when compared to the concave sector (25.27 kg C m−2). On average, the soil carbon loss in the subtropical agroecosystem was much lower than those reported in literature, as well as our initial expectations. In addition, the no-till system was capable of preserving soil carbon in the deepest soil layers. However, presently, the no-till system is losing more carbon in the topsoil at a rate greater than the soil carbon input. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Research on Soil Management and Conservation)
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17 pages, 2843 KiB  
Surface Coal Mine Soils: Evidence for Chronosequence Development
by Kyle E. Smart and David M. Singer
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 59; - 7 Jun 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2333
Anthropogenic changes to soil properties and development can dominate soil systems, particularly in coal mining-impacted landscapes of the Appalachian region of the United States. Historical mining operations deposited spoils which are developing into mine soils in chronosequences, allowing for a correlation between emplacement [...] Read more.
Anthropogenic changes to soil properties and development can dominate soil systems, particularly in coal mining-impacted landscapes of the Appalachian region of the United States. Historical mining operations deposited spoils which are developing into mine soils in chronosequences, allowing for a correlation between emplacement age and rates of change in soil properties. The study site was in the Huff Run Watershed (Mineral City, OH, USA) with a series of eleven spoil piles that were deposited over a 30-year time period. Surface soils were analyzed for bulk density, loss on ignition (LOI) as a proxy for organic matter, particle size, and bulk mineralogical (by X-ray diffraction) and elemental (by X-ray fluorescence) compositions. The following linear trends were observed across the transect from older to younger mine soils: bulk density increased from 1.0 cm−3 to 1.5 g cm−3; LOI decreased from ~20% to 5%; the content of sand-sized particles and quartz decreased from ~50% to 30% and 50% to 25%, respectively, with a corresponding increase in the contribution of clay mineral from ~25% to 60%; and Fe and other trace metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, and Te) decreased in concentration, while Al, Mg, and K increased in concentration. These trends are likely the result of: (1) organic matter accumulation as vegetation becomes more abundant over time; (2) transport of clays out of more recently emplaced waste; and (3) oxidative dissolution of primary sulfides releasing Fe and other trace metals followed by re-precipitation of secondary Fe-phases and trace metal sequestration. The findings presented here provide insight into the future behavior of these materials and can potentially be used to assess the inferred age of previously unexamined mine soils across a wider geographic area. These results can also inform decisions related to reclamation activities and ecosystem restoration. Full article
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21 pages, 3979 KiB  
Water Retention Characteristics of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAPs) Used as Soil Amendments
by Masamichi Takahashi, Izumi Kosaka and Seiichi Ohta
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 58; - 1 Jun 2023
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3717
Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) are used as a soil amendment for retaining water, but suitable methods for the application of SAPs have not yet been developed. Here, we characterized a variety of soil–SAP mixtures prepared using four different types of SAP in terms of [...] Read more.
Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) are used as a soil amendment for retaining water, but suitable methods for the application of SAPs have not yet been developed. Here, we characterized a variety of soil–SAP mixtures prepared using four different types of SAP in terms of their water absorption and release characteristics. The teabag method was applied to characterize the soil–SAP mixtures, except for measurements of the matric potential. The results showed that the variations in water absorbency among the four SAPs in isolation became insignificant when they were mixed with sandy soils. The rates of water released from the soil–SAP mixtures under heated conditions were mitigated with decreasing water content, which prolonged the time until desiccation of the mixtures. The water absorbency of the SAPs significantly decreased in salt solutions (KCl and CaCl2), but their absorbency mostly recovered following immersion in tap water. The soil–dry SAP mixtures retained a larger amount of water than the soil–gel SAP mixtures. Swollen SAPs predominantly retained water in the range of −0.98 to −3.92 kPa, suggesting that SAP induces a transition from gravitational water to readily plant-available water by swelling itself. SAPs barely increased the amount of plant-available water in a potential range of −3.92 to −98.1 kPa, but significantly increased the soil water at <−98.1 kPa. The soil water content increased with an increasing SAP application rate, whereas the proportion of plant-available water declined. Our findings indicated that the performance of SAPs depends on the pore space and a saline environment in the soil and that low SAP application rates are suitable for maximizing the water available to plants in sandy soils. Full article
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18 pages, 4215 KiB  
Soil Enzyme Activity Response to Substrate and Nutrient Additions on Undisturbed Forest Subsoil Samples
by Theresa Reinersmann, Michael Herre, Bernd Marschner and Stefanie Heinze
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 57; - 1 Jun 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2319
Previous studies have found that C turnover is bound to hotspots of microbial activity. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of pure energy substrate (glucose), nutrient (mineral N or P) and combined substrate and nutrient (glucose + N, glucose [...] Read more.
Previous studies have found that C turnover is bound to hotspots of microbial activity. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of pure energy substrate (glucose), nutrient (mineral N or P) and combined substrate and nutrient (glucose + N, glucose + P, sterile DOC, artificial root exudate extract) additions to enzyme activity inside and outside hotspots as a proxy for microbial C turnover in a subsoil. By means of different substrate and nutrient additions, we tested how the limitations of our site were distributed on a small scale and depth-dependently to contribute to an increase in knowledge of subsoil mechanistics. The study site is a sandy Dystric Cambisol under an over 100-year-old beech forest stand in Lower Saxony, Germany. Forty-eight undisturbed soil samples from two depth increments (15–27 cm and 80–92 cm) of three profiles were sprayed homogeneously with easily available C, N and P sources to investigate the impacts of substrates and nutrients on three enzyme activities (acid phosphatase, β-glucosidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase) by using the soil zymography approach. Comparisons of upper and lower subsoils showed significantly fewer and smaller hotspots in the lower subsoil but with a high degree of spatial variation in comparison to the upper subsoil. Different patterns of enzyme distribution between upper and lower subsoil suggest microbial communities with a lower diversity are found in deeper soil regions of the site. Both substrate and nutrient additions stimulated enzyme activities significantly more outside the initial hotspots than within. Because of this, we conclude that microorganisms in the initial hotspots are less limited than in the surrounding bulk soil. Changes in enzyme activities owing to both substrate and nutrient addition were stronger in the lower subsoil than in the upper subsoil, showing differences in limitations and possible changes in microbial community structure with increasing depth. The results of our study emphasize the need to consider spatial factors in microbial turnover processes, especially in lower subsoil regions where stronger substrate and nutrient limitations occur. Full article
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25 pages, 1018 KiB  
Long-Term Integrated Systems of Green Manure and Pasture Significantly Recover the Macrofauna of Degraded Soil in the Brazilian Savannah
by Carolina dos Santos Batista Bonini, Thais Monique de Souza Maciel, Bruno Rafael de Almeida Moreira, José Guilherme Marques Chitero, Rodney Lúcio Pinheiro Henrique and Marlene Cristina Alves
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 56; - 30 May 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1807
Healthy soil biota is the key to meeting the world population’s growing demand for food, energy, fiber and raw materials. Our aim is to investigate the effect of green manure as a strategy to recover the macrofauna and the chemical properties of soils [...] Read more.
Healthy soil biota is the key to meeting the world population’s growing demand for food, energy, fiber and raw materials. Our aim is to investigate the effect of green manure as a strategy to recover the macrofauna and the chemical properties of soils which have been anthropogenically degraded. The experiment was a completely randomized block design with four replicates. Green manure, Urochloa decumbens, with or without application of limestone and gypsum, composed the integrated systems. The macroorganisms as well as the soil fertility were analyzed after 17 years of a process of soil restoration with the aforementioned systems. The succession of Stizolobium sp. with Urochloa decumbens, with limestone and gypsum, was teeming with termites, beetles and ants. This integrated system presented the most technically adequate indexes of diversity and uniformity. Multivariate models showed a substantial increase in the total number of individuals due to the neutralization of harmful elements and the gradual release of nutrients by limestone and plaster. These conditioners have undergone multiple chemical reactions with the substrate in order to balance it chemically, thus allowing the macroinvertebrates to grow, develop, reproduce and compose their food web in milder microclimates. It was concluded that the integration of green manure together with grass is an economical and environmentally correct strategy to restore the macrofauna properties of degraded soil in the Brazilian savannah. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Research on Soil Management and Conservation)
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16 pages, 2943 KiB  
Assessment of the Impact of Ceftriaxone on the Functional Profile of Soil Microbiota Using Biolog EcoPlateTM
by Livia da Silva Freitas, Rodrigo de Lima Brum, Alícia da Silva Bonifácio, Lisiane Martins Volcão, Flavio Manoel Rodrigues da Silva Júnior and Daniela Fernandes Ramos
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 55; - 27 May 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2199
Background: Antibiotics are essential to the treatment of diseases, but they have also brought about concerns in terms of their environmental, economic, and health impacts. Antibiotics can be excreted in unchanged form or as metabolites, which can cause toxicity by contaminating different environmental [...] Read more.
Background: Antibiotics are essential to the treatment of diseases, but they have also brought about concerns in terms of their environmental, economic, and health impacts. Antibiotics can be excreted in unchanged form or as metabolites, which can cause toxicity by contaminating different environmental compartments, including soil. Soil is a critical compartment due to the numerous functions it performs and its direct impact on the communities of microorganisms, plants, and animals that make up the soil ecosystem. The functional profile of soil microbiota has emerged as a promising tool to assess soil quality. This study aimed to evaluate the functional profile of soil microbiota and the gut microbiota of earthworms in ceftriaxone-contaminated soil using Biolog EcoPlate. Methods: Soil samples contaminated with varying concentrations of ceftriaxone (0, 1, and 10 mg/kg) were incubated for 14 days in the presence or absence of the earthworm Eisenia andrei. After exposure, the physiological profile of the soil microbiota and the gut microbiota of the earthworms were evaluated using Biolog EcoPlate. Results: No significant differences were observed in the parameters evaluated using different concentrations of the antibiotic. The functional profile of the microbiota in the soil with and without earthworms was found to be similar, but interestingly, it differed from the profile of the intestinal microbiota of the earthworms. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that the presence of earthworms did not significantly alter the functional profile of the soil microbiota in ceftriaxone-contaminated soil. Further studies are necessary to investigate the potential impact of ceftriaxone and other antibiotics on soil microbiota and the role of earthworms in this regard. Full article
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17 pages, 1511 KiB  
Corn Cropping System and Nitrogen Fertilizers Technologies Affect Ammonia Volatilization in Brazilian Tropical Soils
by César Santos, Sheila Isabel do Carmo Pinto, Douglas Guelfi, Sara Dantas Rosa, Adrianne Braga da Fonseca, Tales Jesus Fernandes, Renato Avelar Ferreira, Leandro Barbosa Satil, Ana Paula Pereira Nunes and Konrad Passos e Silva
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 54; - 27 May 2023
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 2484
The adoption of technologies for N fertilization has become essential for increasing the N use efficiency in no-till (NT) systems in Brazil. Thus, this study aimed to quantify ammonia losses, N removal in grains, and second crop season yield in no-till and conventional [...] Read more.
The adoption of technologies for N fertilization has become essential for increasing the N use efficiency in no-till (NT) systems in Brazil. Thus, this study aimed to quantify ammonia losses, N removal in grains, and second crop season yield in no-till and conventional (T) areas that received the application of different N fertilizers and their technologies. Ammonia volatilization, N extraction in grains, and corn yield in response to the application of conventional fertilizers were compared to urea treated with urease inhibitors in NT and conventional systems. The treatments were: no-N (Control); Prilled urea (PU); urea + N-(n-Butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (UNBPT); urea + Cu + B (UCuB); ammonium nitrate (AN), and ammonium sulfate (AS). In the NT system, the N-NH3 losses were 49% higher than in the conventional; without differences in corn yield. The fertilizers AN and AS had the lowest N-NH3 losses, regardless of the tillage system. UNBPT reduced the mean N-NH3 loss by 33% compared to PU. UNBPT (1200 mg kg−1) and UNBPT (180 mg kg−1) reduced the N-NH3 losses by 72% and 22%, respectively, compared to PU in the NT system. We noticed that the NBPT concentration to be used in soils under NT should be adjusted, and a reduction of N-NH3 losses does not directly reflect an increase in yield and N extraction by corn. Full article
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23 pages, 3423 KiB  
Fate and Transport of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) at Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Discharge Sites: A Review
by Jeffery Tyler McGarr, Eric Gentil Mbonimpa, Drew Clifton McAvoy and Mohamad Reza Soltanian
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 53; - 26 May 2023
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 8272
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are an environmentally persistent group of chemicals that can pose an imminent threat to human health through groundwater and surface water contamination. In this review, we evaluate the subsurface behavior of a variety of PFAS chemicals with [...] Read more.
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are an environmentally persistent group of chemicals that can pose an imminent threat to human health through groundwater and surface water contamination. In this review, we evaluate the subsurface behavior of a variety of PFAS chemicals with a focus on aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) discharge sites. AFFF is the primary PFAS contamination risk at sites such as airports and military bases due to use as a fire extinguisher. Understanding the fate and transport of PFAS in the subsurface environment is a multifaceted issue. This review focuses on the role of adsorbent, adsorbate, and aqueous solution in the fate and transport of PFAS chemicals. Additionally, other hydrogeological, geochemical, ecological factors such as accumulation at air–water interfaces, subsurface heterogeneity, polyfluorinated PFAS degradation pathways, and plant interactions are discussed. This review also examines several case studies at AFFF discharge sites in order to examine if the findings are consistent with the broader PFAS literature. We present the most crucial future research directions and trends regarding PFAS and provide valuable insights into understanding PFAS fate and transport at AFFF discharge sites. We suggest a more comprehensive approach to PFAS research endeavors that accounts for the wide variety of environmental variables that have been shown to impact PFAS fate and transport. Full article
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16 pages, 2044 KiB  
Distribution of Soil Nutrients and Ancient Agriculture on Young Volcanic Soils of Ta‘ū, American Samoa
by Dolly Autufuga, Seth Quintus, Kyungsoo Yoo, Stephanie Day, Jennifer Huebert, Jonathan Deenik and Noa Kekuewa Lincoln
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 52; - 18 May 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2734
Soils and agriculture are inextricably linked, in the past as well as today. The Pacific islands, which often represent organized gradients of the essential soil-forming factors of substrate age and rainfall, represent excellent study systems to understand interactions between people and soils. The [...] Read more.
Soils and agriculture are inextricably linked, in the past as well as today. The Pacific islands, which often represent organized gradients of the essential soil-forming factors of substrate age and rainfall, represent excellent study systems to understand interactions between people and soils. The relationship between soil characteristics and indigenous agricultural practices are well documented for some locations, but there is a paucity of data for much of the region. Given the extent of ecological adaptation that has been documented, specifically for Hawai‘i, new Pacific datasets are expected to provide important insights into indigenous agricultural practices. To contribute to this discussion, we analyzed patterns in soil chemistry and vegetation in the Manu‘a islands of American Samoa. Soils were sampled along transects that crossed through precontact settlement zones in the upland of Fiti‘uta on Ta‘ū island, a location characterized by young (<100 ky) volcanic substrates and very high (>3800 mm y−1) annual rainfall. Soils were analyzed for several soil fertility properties that have been proposed as predictors of intensive rainfed tuber production in Hawai‘i and Rapa Nui. Surveys of remnant economic plants were conducted to assess patterns of past land use. Soils demonstrated moderate values of soil fertility as measured by pH, base saturation, exchangeable calcium, and total and exchangeable phosphorus, despite the high rainfall. Previously identified soil fertility indicators had some application to the distribution of traditional agriculture, but they also differed in important ways. In particular, low exchangeable calcium in the soils may have limited the agricultural form, especially the cultivation of tubers. Significant shifts in both soil parameters and remnant economic crops were documented, and alignment suggests cropping system adaptation to soil biochemistry. Archaeological samples combined with surveys of relict vegetation suggest that agroforestry and arboriculture were key components of past agricultural practices. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soils in Archaeological Research)
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15 pages, 3857 KiB  
Changes in Soil Water Retention and Micromorphological Properties Induced by Wetting and Drying Cycles
by Luiz F. Pires
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 51; - 17 May 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2417
Wetting and drying (W-D) cycles are responsible for significant changes in soil structure. Soil often undergoes irreversible changes affecting infiltration and solute retention through W-D cycles. Thus, it becomes essential to evaluate how soils under natural conditions are altered by W-D cycles. This [...] Read more.
Wetting and drying (W-D) cycles are responsible for significant changes in soil structure. Soil often undergoes irreversible changes affecting infiltration and solute retention through W-D cycles. Thus, it becomes essential to evaluate how soils under natural conditions are altered by W-D cycles. This study analyzed two non-cultivated (from grassland and secondary forest) Oxisols (Typic Hapludox and Rhodic Hapludox) of different textures under 0 and 6 W-D cycles. The main results obtained showed that soil water retention was mainly affected in the driest regions (smaller pore sizes). The contribution of residual pores to total porosity increased with 6 W-D and transmission pores decreased in both soils. The Rhodic Hapludox presented differences in water content at field capacity (increase), while the Typic Hapludox showed alterations at the permanent wilting point (increase), affecting the amount of free water (Rhodic Hapludox) and water available to plants (Typic Hapludox). Both soils showed increases in imaged porosity with 6 W-D. Variations in the contribution of small and medium rounded pores, mainly large and irregular (with an increase in both soils not significant in the Rhodic Hapludox), could explain the results observed. The micromorphological properties were mainly influenced by changes in the number of pores, in which smaller pores joined, forming larger ones, increasing the areas occupied by larger pores. Overall, this study showed that the investigated soils presented pore systems with adequate water infiltration and retention capacities before and after continuous W-D cycles. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Research on Soil Management and Conservation)
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24 pages, 18892 KiB  
Robustness of Optimized Decision Tree-Based Machine Learning Models to Map Gully Erosion Vulnerability
by Hasna Eloudi, Mohammed Hssaisoune, Hanane Reddad, Mustapha Namous, Maryem Ismaili, Samira Krimissa, Mustapha Ouayah and Lhoussaine Bouchaou
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 50; - 16 May 2023
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 2708
Gully erosion is a worldwide threat with numerous environmental, social, and economic impacts. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the performance and robustness of six machine learning ensemble models based on the decision tree principle: Random Forest (RF), C5.0, XGBoost, treebag, [...] Read more.
Gully erosion is a worldwide threat with numerous environmental, social, and economic impacts. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the performance and robustness of six machine learning ensemble models based on the decision tree principle: Random Forest (RF), C5.0, XGBoost, treebag, Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs) and Adaboost, in order to map and predict gully erosion-prone areas in a semi-arid mountain context. The first step was to prepare the inventory data, which consisted of 217 gully points. This database was then randomly subdivided into five percentages of Train/Test (50/50, 60/40, 70/30, 80/20, and 90/10) to assess the stability and robustness of the models. Furthermore, 17 geo-environmental variables were used as potential controlling factors, and several metrics were examined to evaluate the performance of the six models. The results revealed that all of the models used performed well in terms of predicting vulnerability to gully erosion. The C5.0 and RF models had the best prediction performance (AUC = 90.8 and AUC = 90.1, respectively). However, according to the random subdivisions of the database, these models exhibit small but noticeable instability, with high performance for the 80/20% and 70/30% subdivisions. This demonstrates the significance of database refining and the need to test various splitting data in order to ensure efficient and reliable output results. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Research on Soil Management and Conservation)
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17 pages, 2290 KiB  
Effect of Grape Pomace Varieties and Soil Characteristics on the Leaching Potential of Total Carbon, Nitrogen and Polyphenols
by Sven Korz, Sullivan Sadzik, Camilla More, Christian Buchmann, Elke Richling and Katherine Munoz
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 49; - 15 May 2023
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 2646
Grape pomace (GP) has an added value because of its contribution to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in soils when applied as an organic fertilizer. Macronutrients from GP are translocated into the soil after amendment, but little is known about the factors that [...] Read more.
Grape pomace (GP) has an added value because of its contribution to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in soils when applied as an organic fertilizer. Macronutrients from GP are translocated into the soil after amendment, but little is known about the factors that may influence the mobility of C, N and bioactive molecules, i.e., polyphenols, in the soil column. We investigated the mobility of the macronutrient content of GP, derived from two red (Dornfelder and Pinot noir) and two white grape varieties (Riesling and Pinot blanc). For that, three different soils (loamy sand RefeSol01A, silt loam RefeSol02A and a vineyard soil) were evaluated in a column model using a GP application rate of 30 t ha−1. The three-step lab-scale approach included the analysis of total C, N and polyphenols expressed as total polyphenolic content (TPC) in: (a) the fresh GP, representing the total amount of C, N and TPC; (b) the mobility with rainwater, representing the aqueous extractable fraction and (c) the mobility in the soil column and leaching potential. Our results showed that total C/N ratios were wider in the white GP varieties compared with the red ones. Higher TPC values were measured in Dornfelder and Pinot noir compared with white varieties. Analysis of the water-extractable fraction showed that the C recovery may reach up to 48% in Pinot blanc, which also corresponds to the highest N contribution. Extractable polyphenols were higher in the red compared with the white varieties by a factor of 2.4. C and N were mobilized with rainwater from the GP through the soil column. However, the application rate used in the experiment was not indicative of an accumulation in the soil. Compared with the control (no GP application), C values were significantly higher in the leachates from GP-treated soils, in contrast to N values. Up to 10% of the TPC of the pomace was leached into the soil. The TPC recovery in the soils strongly depended on the combination of soil type and GP variety. Generally, the sandy and more acidic soil showed an even distribution of phenolics with a high recovery rate (up to 92%) compared with more neutral and silty soil. Most of the polyphenol content could accumulate in the upper soil layer (0–10 cm). These results provide the first insights on the mobility of macronutrients in the soil using a column model and point out the need to relate those experiments to soil and GP properties in order to avoid the accumulation of nutrients in soil or mobility to adjacent ecosystems. Full article
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17 pages, 1347 KiB  
Symbiotic and Asymmetric Causality of the Soil Tillage System and Biochar Application on Soil Carbon Sequestration and Crop Production
by Amare Assefa Bogale, Anteneh Agezew Melash and Attila Percze
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 48; - 10 May 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3084
Agriculture faces a significant challenge in maintaining crop production to meet the calorie demand of the ever-growing population because of limited arable land and climate change. This enforces a search for alternative multifarious agricultural-based solutions to meet the calorie demand. In search of [...] Read more.
Agriculture faces a significant challenge in maintaining crop production to meet the calorie demand of the ever-growing population because of limited arable land and climate change. This enforces a search for alternative multifarious agricultural-based solutions to meet the calorie demand. In search of alternatives, agricultural soil management has been highlighted and is expected to contribute to climate change mitigation through soil carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through effective agricultural management practices. The addition of biochar to the soil significantly improves the soil nitrogen status, soil organic carbon, and phosphorus, with greater effects under the different tillage systems. This symbiosis association could further change the bacterial structure in the deeper soil layer which thus would be important to enhancing productivity, particularly in vertisols. Biochar also has an environmental risk and negative consequences. Heavy metals could be present in the final food products if we use contaminated raw materials to prepare biochar. However, there is a need to investigate biochar application under different climatic conditions, seasons, soil tillage systems, and crop types. These indicate that the positive effect of proper biochar fertilization on the physiology, yield formation, nutrient uptake, and soil health indicators substantiate the need to include biochar in the form of nutrients in the crop production sector, especially in light of the changing climate and soil tillage systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advancements in Soil and Sustainable Agriculture)
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14 pages, 2898 KiB  
Prediction of Soil Salinity/Sodicity and Salt-Affected Soil Classes from Soluble Salt Ions Using Machine Learning Algorithms
by Demis Andrade Foronda and Gilles Colinet
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 47; - 10 May 2023
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 3794
Salt-affected soils are related to salinity (high content of soluble salts) and/or sodicity (excess of sodium), which are major leading causes of agricultural land degradation. This study aimed to evaluate the performances of three machine learning (ML) algorithms in predicting the soil exchangeable [...] Read more.
Salt-affected soils are related to salinity (high content of soluble salts) and/or sodicity (excess of sodium), which are major leading causes of agricultural land degradation. This study aimed to evaluate the performances of three machine learning (ML) algorithms in predicting the soil exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), electrical conductivity (ECe), and salt-affected soil classes, from soluble salt ions. The assessed ML models were Partial Least-Squares (PLS), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Random Forests (RF). Soil samples were collected from the High Valley of Cochabamba (Bolivia). The explanatory variables were the major soluble ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3, Cl, CO32−, SO42−). The variables to be explained comprised soil ECe and ESP, and a categorical variable classified through the US Salinity Lab criteria. According to the model validation, the SVM and RF regressions performed the best for estimating the soil ECe, as well as the RF model for the soil ESP. The RF algorithm was superior for predicting the salt-affected soil categories. Soluble Na+ was the most relevant variable for all the predictions, followed by Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, and HCO3. The RF and SVM models can be used to predict soil ECe and ESP, as well as the salt-affected soil classes, from soluble ions. Additional explanatory features and soil samples might improve the ML models’ performance. The obtained models may contribute to the monitoring and management of salt-affected soils in the study area. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in the Prediction and Remediation of Soil Salinization)
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16 pages, 2181 KiB  
Physiological Responses and Adaptations of the Halophyte Atriplex halimus to Soil Contaminated with Cd, Ni, and NaCl
by Shumailah Ishtiyaq, Harsh Kumar, Rohan J. D’Souza, Mayank Varun, Paulo J. C. Favas and Manoj S. Paul
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 46; - 5 May 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2652
Soils contaminated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and salt manifest a large number of physical, chemical, and structural problems by various processes such as reduced water availability, water and air movement in soil space, water holding capacity of soil, as well as perilous [...] Read more.
Soils contaminated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and salt manifest a large number of physical, chemical, and structural problems by various processes such as reduced water availability, water and air movement in soil space, water holding capacity of soil, as well as perilous effects on plant growth and physiology. Halophytes have the ability to grow in saline environments and are better adapted to accommodate environmental constraints including PTE ions. An experiment was designed to study the response of the halophyte Atriplex halimus to a range of salinities and different concentrations of Cd and Ni. Tolerance and soil remedial potential of the plant were quantified in terms of PTE uptake and portioning, plant biomass, root/shoot ratio, chlorophyll and anti-oxidative enzyme production, along with stress markers such as lipid peroxidation, proline, and glycine betaine. The plant was also evaluated for its potential to phytoremediate PTE contaminated soil. The results suggest that A. halimus can tolerate moderate concentrations of both the PTEs and salt. The species holds promise for bio-reclamation of saline and PTE-contaminated soil. Full article
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21 pages, 2491 KiB  
Exploring the Diversity and Antibiogram of the Soil around a Tertiary Care Hospital and a University Precinct in Southern India: A Pilot Study
by Shalini Kunhikannan, Cassandra R. Stanton, Jayson Rose, Colleen J. Thomas, Ashley E. Franks, Sumana M. Neelambike, Sumana Kumar, Steve Petrovski and Anya E. Shindler
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 45; - 27 Apr 2023
Viewed by 2537
Soil contains an enormous diversity of microorganisms and can act as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance determinants. This study identified and compared the bacterial diversity and the antimicrobial resistance profile of clinically-relevant isolates around a newly developed hospital and university precinct. Eight soil [...] Read more.
Soil contains an enormous diversity of microorganisms and can act as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance determinants. This study identified and compared the bacterial diversity and the antimicrobial resistance profile of clinically-relevant isolates around a newly developed hospital and university precinct. Eight soil samples were collected, genomic DNA was extracted and 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed. Bacterial isolates cultured from the soil were identified using MALDI-TOF. Antibiotic sensitivity testing (AST) was performed on a subset of isolates. The soil from both precincts were similarly diverse. Phylum Proteobacteria was prevalent in all samples and was the most abundant in one of the hospital sites. Cyanobacteria was abundant in two hospital sites closer to a sewage treatment plant. Bacterial diversity was only significantly different between two of the hospital sites. A total of 22 Gram-negative organisms were isolated by culture. AST revealed that the soil isolates from both precincts exhibited low resistance. The unidentified bacteria closer to the hospital precinct with human interactions possibly hints at the role of anthropogenic activities on the soil microbial diversity. The abundance of Proteobacteria (causing majority of human infections) and Cyanobacteria nearer to the hospital premises, comprising more immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals, is concerning. Full article
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14 pages, 293 KiB  
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Enhance Growth and Increase Concentrations of Anthocyanin, Phenolic Compounds, and Antioxidant Activity of Black Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
by Sabaiporn Nacoon, Wasan Seemakram, Jindarat Ekprasert, Piyada Theerakulpisut, Jirawat Sanitchon, Thomas W. Kuyper and Sophon Boonlue
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 44; - 27 Apr 2023
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 2500
Black rice (Oryza sativa L.) contains high concentrations of bioactive compounds that are associated with human-health benefits. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can increase plant performance and concentrations of these bioactive compounds. In a pot experiment, the effects of four different species of [...] Read more.
Black rice (Oryza sativa L.) contains high concentrations of bioactive compounds that are associated with human-health benefits. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can increase plant performance and concentrations of these bioactive compounds. In a pot experiment, the effects of four different species of AMF (Claroideoglomus etunicatum; Rhizophagus variabilis; Rhizophagus nov. spec.; Acaulospora longula) were assessed on growth performance, grain yield, concentrations of phenolic compounds and anthocyanin, and antioxidant activity of two black-rice cultivars. The experiment was a completely randomized factorial design with two factors, viz. cultivar (Niew Dam Hmong and Maled Phai) and treatment (four different species of AMF and two non-inoculated treatments, without and with mineral fertilizer). Results showed that cultivar, treatment, and their interaction were almost always significant sources of variation for both plant performance parameters and concentrations of bioactive compounds. Maled Phai showed higher performance and higher concentrations of phenolics and anthocyanins but lower antioxidant activity than Niew Dam Hmong. The non-inoculated treatment without mineral fertilizer showed the lowest performance. The non-inoculated treatment with mineral fertilizer resulted in larger root and shoot biomass than the mycorrhizal treatments, but grain yield was higher in the mycorrhizal treatments. Inoculation with R. variabilis resulted in the highest concentration of phenolics and anthocyanins. We conclude that R. variabilis was the best inoculum for increasing grain yield and bioactive compounds, especially in Maled Phai. Full article
16 pages, 7040 KiB  
Process-Based Crop Models in Soil Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
by Eranga M. Wimalasiri, Sachini Ariyachandra, Aruna Jayawardhana, Thejani Dharmasekara, Ebrahim Jahanshiri, Nitin Muttil and Upaka Rathnayake
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 43; - 25 Apr 2023
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3501
Different types of soil data are used in process-based crop models as input data. Crop models have a diverse range of applications, and soil research is one of them. This bibliographic analysis was conducted to assess the current literature on soil-related applications of [...] Read more.
Different types of soil data are used in process-based crop models as input data. Crop models have a diverse range of applications, and soil research is one of them. This bibliographic analysis was conducted to assess the current literature on soil-related applications of crop models using two widely used crop models: Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) and Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT). The publications available in the Scopus database during the 2000–2021 period were assessed. Using 523 publications, a database on the application of process-based crop models in soil research was developed and published in an online repository, which is helpful in determining the specific application in different geographic locations. Soil-related applications on APSIM and DSSAT models were found in 41 and 43 countries, respectively. It was reported that selected crop models were used in soil water, physical properties, greenhouse gas emissions, N leaching, nutrient dynamics, and other physical and chemical properties related to applications. It can be concluded that a crop model is a promising tool for assessing a diverse range of soil-related processes in different geographic regions. Full article
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22 pages, 4294 KiB  
Spatial Variability of Topsoil Properties on a Semi-Arid Floodplain
by Tiffany-Anne Carroll-MacDonald, Scott Rayburg and Melissa Neave
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 42; - 23 Apr 2023
Viewed by 2181
This study relates the spatial heterogeneity (or patterning) of geochemical elements in the topsoil of a semi-arid floodplain/hillslope system in north-eastern Australia to vegetation distribution and rates of flood inundation. A total of 540 topsoil samples were collected from six flood frequency zones, [...] Read more.
This study relates the spatial heterogeneity (or patterning) of geochemical elements in the topsoil of a semi-arid floodplain/hillslope system in north-eastern Australia to vegetation distribution and rates of flood inundation. A total of 540 topsoil samples were collected from six flood frequency zones, ranging from a frequently flooded area (RI = 1:1–2 yrs) to two zones that have not flooded in living memory (RI > 50 yrs). Within each zone, topsoil samples were collected from both vegetated and non-vegetated surfaces, and each sample was analysed for 26 parameters. A combination of multi- and univariate analyses reveals that vegetation is an important contributor to topsoil heterogeneity. In zones subject to relatively frequent flooding, the spatial distribution of parameters in the topsoil is greatly influenced by the movement of water, with vegetation acting as a sink rather than a source. However, as floods become increasingly rare, distinct resource-rich units become evident in the topsoil beneath the vegetation. These findings indicate that topsoils in semi-arid floodplains are altered when their natural flooding regimes are reduced, beginning to approximate hillslopes when flood frequencies exceed 1-in-7 to 10 years. This points to the need for frequent flood (overbank) releases that are able to cover the 1-in-20-year floodplain to maintain the character of the soils and support vegetation growth in these environments. Full article
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14 pages, 17090 KiB  
Effects of Irrigation Regimes and Rice Varieties on Methane Emissions and Yield of Dry Season Rice in Bangladesh
by Muhammad Ashraful Habib, S. M. Mofijul Islam, Md. Ashraful Haque, Lutful Hassan, Md. Zulfiker Ali, Swati Nayak, Manzoor Hussain Dar and Yam Kanta Gaihre
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 41; - 20 Apr 2023
Cited by 16 | Viewed by 4220
Adoption of the right rice variety and water-saving irrigation method could reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in lowland rice cultivation. A study was conducted at the research farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, in 2019 during the Boro (dry) season to determine [...] Read more.
Adoption of the right rice variety and water-saving irrigation method could reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in lowland rice cultivation. A study was conducted at the research farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, in 2019 during the Boro (dry) season to determine the impacts of different rice varieties (BRRI dhan29, BRRI dhan47, BRRI dhan69, Binadhan-8, Binadhan-10, and Binadhan-17) on methane (CH4) emissions under two irrigation methods, i.e., alternate wetting and drying (AWD) and continuous flooding (CF). The treatments were laid out in a split-plot design, considering water regime as the main plots and rice variety as the sub-plots. The emission rates of CH4 were determined by collecting air samples using the closed chamber technique and measuring the concentrations using a gas chromatograph. CH4 emission rates varied with the growth and development of the rice varieties. The lowest cumulative CH4 emission rate was observed in Binadhan-17, particularly under AWD irrigation. Across the rice varieties, AWD irrigation significantly reduced the cumulative CH4 emissions by about 35% compared with CF. No significant variation in rice yield was observed between AWD (5.38 t ha−1) and CF (5.16 t ha−1). This study suggests that the cultivation of Binadhan-17 under AWD irrigation could be effective at reducing the carbon footprint of lowland rice fields. Full article
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13 pages, 1545 KiB  
Paper Mill Biosolids and Forest-Derived Liming Materials Applied on Cropland: Residual Effects on Soil Properties and Metal Availability
by Bernard Gagnon and Noura Ziadi
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 40; - 19 Apr 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1757
Combined paper mill biosolids (PB) and forest-derived liming by-products improve soil properties, but their residual effects following several years of application have hardly been investigated. A 13-year (2009–2021) field study was initiated at Yamachiche, QC, Canada, to assess the residual effects of PB [...] Read more.
Combined paper mill biosolids (PB) and forest-derived liming by-products improve soil properties, but their residual effects following several years of application have hardly been investigated. A 13-year (2009–2021) field study was initiated at Yamachiche, QC, Canada, to assess the residual effects of PB and liming materials on the properties of a loamy soil. The PB was applied during nine consecutive years (2000–2008) at 0, 30, 60, and 90 Mg wet·ha−1, whereas the 30 Mg PB·ha−1 rate also received one of three liming materials (calcitic lime, lime mud, wood ash) at 3 Mg wet·ha−1. No amendment was applied during residual years. Past liming materials continued to increase soil pH but their effect decreased over time; meanwhile, past PB applications caused a low increase in residual soil NO3-N. Soil total C, which represented 40% of added organic C when PB applications ceased, stabilized to 15% after six years. Soil Mehlich-3-extractable contents declined over the thirteen residual years to be not significant for P, K, and Cu, while they reached half the values of the application years for Zn and Cd. Conversely, Mehlich-3 Ca was little affected by time. Therefore, land PB and liming material applications benefited soil properties several years after their cessation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advancements in Soil and Sustainable Agriculture)
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15 pages, 2500 KiB  
Soil Texture Explains Soil Sensitivity to C and N Losses from Whole-Tree Harvesting in the Boreal Forest
by Rock Ouimet, Nathalie Korboulewsky and Isabelle Bilger
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 39; - 18 Apr 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1872
The use of forest biomass to produce energy is increasingly viewed as a means to reduce fossil fuel consumption and mitigate global warming. However, the impact of such practices on soils in the long term is not well known. We revisited forest plots [...] Read more.
The use of forest biomass to produce energy is increasingly viewed as a means to reduce fossil fuel consumption and mitigate global warming. However, the impact of such practices on soils in the long term is not well known. We revisited forest plots that were subjected to either whole-tree (WTH, n = 86) or stem-only (SOH, n = 110) harvesting 30 years ago in the boreal forest in Quebec, Canada. The objective of the present study was to find soil properties that could explain the lower soil C and N stocks at the sites subjected to WTH compared to SOH after 30 years. Compared to SOH, lower soil C and N stocks attributable to WTH occurred when soil particle content <20 µm was below 30%. The theoretical separation of soil organic matter into two fractions according to soil particle content <20 µm—a recalcitrant and a labile fraction—could explain the observed pattern of soil C and N differences between WTH and SOH. Imperfect or poor soil drainage conditions were also associated with lower soil C and N in WTH compared to SOH. Limiting additional biomass harvesting from these sites would help to preserve soil C and N from potential losses. Full article
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21 pages, 1547 KiB  
Quantifying the Immediate Response of Soil to Wild Boar (Sus scrofa L.) Grubbing in Mediterranean Olive Orchards
by Pasquale Napoletano, Costantina Barbarisi, Valeria Maselli, Daniela Rippa, Carmen Arena, Maria Grazia Volpe, Claudio Colombo, Domenico Fulgione and Anna De Marco
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 38; - 17 Apr 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1755
The goals of the current research were to assess the immediate impact of invasive wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in olive orchards of southern Italy. Over a one-year study, in grubbed and ungrubbed areas, we measured the seasonal changes on the fast [...] Read more.
The goals of the current research were to assess the immediate impact of invasive wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in olive orchards of southern Italy. Over a one-year study, in grubbed and ungrubbed areas, we measured the seasonal changes on the fast soil biological and chemical responses at depths of 0–15 cm and 15–40 cm, and several leaf and fruit characteristics. The impact factor, IFG, was used to quantify the effects of wild boar on individual soil parameters. Grubbing induced an increase in the soil moisture at both depths. Soil pH, organic matter, and C/N ratio were higher in grubbed soils at 0–15 cm and lower at 15–40 cm compared to ungrubbed soils. These trends were reflected in the higher microbial community biomass and the inhibition of fungal fraction in grubbed topsoil, while an opposite tendency at 15–40 cm was found. Microbial biomass had the highest IFG in topsoil (94%) and metabolic quotient (85%) at a 15–40 cm depth. Microbial stress condition and C loss were found in grubbed soil at both depths. Furthermore, these soils were also shown to be of lower quality than ungrubbed soils, especially at 0–15 cm (SQI = 0.40 vs. 0.50, respectively). A stronger negative impact of wild boar grubbing was observed in the Autumn/Winter and for fruit polyphenol content. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Metabolism and Biogenic Emissions of CO2 and N2O)
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15 pages, 1680 KiB  
Soil Microbial Composition and Soil Health of Reverse-Osmosis-Concentrate and Brackish-Groundwater Irrigated Soils in Southern New Mexico
by Akram R. Ben Ali, Francisco F. Omar Holguin and Manoj K. Shukla
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 37; - 17 Apr 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2236
The phospholipid fatty acid method was used to determine the shifts in microbial biomass due to irrigation with reverse-osmosis (RO) concentrate (or highly saline reject water) and brackish groundwater (BGW). In this greenhouse study, RO concentrate and BGW were applied to irrigate pecan [...] Read more.
The phospholipid fatty acid method was used to determine the shifts in microbial biomass due to irrigation with reverse-osmosis (RO) concentrate (or highly saline reject water) and brackish groundwater (BGW). In this greenhouse study, RO concentrate and BGW were applied to irrigate pecan trees for 8 months for two consecutive seasons. The objectives of the study were to (i) evaluate how irrigation with RO concentrate and BGW impacts soil microbial composition in pecan rhizospheres using microbial phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers as indicators, and (ii) evaluate its implications on soil health. Three treatments of RO concentrate (EC = 8.0 dS/m), BGW (EC = 4.0 dS/m), and the city of Las Cruces’s water (EC = 0.8 dS/m) as a control were used to irrigate pecan trees. EC, pH, and organic matter (OM%) content of the soil samples were measured, and PLFA biomarkers for the microbial community were determined. Na-, Cl-, and K-ion concentrations were 26.16, 32.54, and 5.93 meq/L in 2017 and 25.44, 24.26, and 5.49 meq/L in 2018, respectively, in RO irrigation pots. For two seasons, gram-positive bacteria were dominant, while gram-negative bacteria were not detected in the second season. PLFA biomarkers of fungi were found among all three treatments in the first season; however, they appeared only with BGW in the second season. Actinomycetes were recorded in the first season while they were not seen in the second season. Increases in soil salinity and microbial shifts could have important implications for soil health. Irrigating with RO and BGW shifted the soil microbial composition; therefore, long-term irrigation with BGW and RO concentrate would be deleterious for pecan production and soil health. Full article
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18 pages, 1513 KiB  
More Than Dirt: Soil Health Needs to Be Emphasized in Stream and Floodplain Restorations
by Shreeram P. Inamdar, Sujay S. Kaushal, Robert Brian Tetrick, Larry Trout, Richard Rowland, Dennis Genito and Harsh Bais
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 36; - 13 Apr 2023
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3233
Soil health is not explicitly included in current stream and floodplain restorations. This may be one of the many reasons that stream restorations are not achieving their full restoration and ecological benefits. The lack of design and implementation procedures for providing healthy soils [...] Read more.
Soil health is not explicitly included in current stream and floodplain restorations. This may be one of the many reasons that stream restorations are not achieving their full restoration and ecological benefits. The lack of design and implementation procedures for providing healthy soils and the absence of specific soil metrics for evaluation are some of the reasons for the non-inclusion of soil health in floodplain restorations. Here, we have brought together a team of researchers and practitioners to provide a blueprint for the inclusion of soil health in floodplain restorations, with a specific emphasis on approaches that may be easily accessible for practitioners. We describe the challenges posed by current restoration procedures for physical, chemical, and biological soil conditions. The top ten soil metrics that could be easily measured and could be leveraged by practitioners to assess floodplain soil conditions before and after restorations were identified and selected. The best design and construction practices for improving soil health on floodplains are presented. We also recommend that the current crediting approaches and regulatory mechanisms for stream restorations be updated to incentivize soil health. The inclusion of soil health will help us attain the ecological services and functional uplift goals that are being targeted by environmental agencies and the restoration community. Full article
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14 pages, 1671 KiB  
A Historically Driven Spinup Procedure for Soil Carbon Modeling
by Serge Wiltshire, Sarah Grobe and Brian Beckage
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 35; - 12 Apr 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2571
Soil process models such as RothC typically assume soil organic carbon (SOC) is in equilibrium at the beginning of each simulation run. This is not likely to be true in the real world, since recalcitrant SOC pools (notably, humified material) take many decades [...] Read more.
Soil process models such as RothC typically assume soil organic carbon (SOC) is in equilibrium at the beginning of each simulation run. This is not likely to be true in the real world, since recalcitrant SOC pools (notably, humified material) take many decades to re-stabilize after a land use change. The equilibrium assumption stems from a spinup method in which the model is run under a single land use until all SOC pools stabilize. To overcome this, we demonstrate an alternative spinup procedure that accounts for historical land use changes. The “steady-state” and “historical” spinup methods both impute unknown C inputs such that the modeled SOC matches empirical measurements at the beginning of the simulation and set initial SOC fractions. Holding all other parameters equal, we evaluated how each spinup affects SOC projections in simulations of agricultural land use change in the U.S. state of Vermont. We found that projected SOC trajectories for all land use scenarios are sensitive to the spinup procedure. These differences are due to disparities in imputed below-ground plant-derived carbon between the two procedures. Compared to the steady-state, imputed C in the historical spinup is higher for land uses that increase SOC (e.g., adoption of regenerative practices) and lower for land uses that decrease SOC (e.g., a transition from pasture to crops), due to the time window within which land use changes are assumed to have occurred. The novel historical spinup procedure captures important dynamics commonly missing in previous studies, representing an advancement in soil process modeling. Full article
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17 pages, 1584 KiB  
Effect of Natural Phytohormones on Growth, Nutritional Status, and Yield of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) and N Availability in Sandy-Loam Soil of Sub-Tropics
by Aasma Parveen, Muhammad Mahran Aslam, Rashid Iqbal, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Kamran, Mona S. Alwahibi, Muhammad Akram and Mohamed S. Elshikh
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 34; - 10 Apr 2023
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 4191
Climate changes and poor soil nutrient profiles in sub-tropics are determinant factors to estimate crop productivity. This study aims to evaluate the impact of phytohormones, e.g., indole acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3), on mung bean yield, seed nutritional profile, [...] Read more.
Climate changes and poor soil nutrient profiles in sub-tropics are determinant factors to estimate crop productivity. This study aims to evaluate the impact of phytohormones, e.g., indole acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3), on mung bean yield, seed nutritional profile, and soil N availability in the sub-tropical region of Pakistan. The mung bean plants were treated with three levels (0, 30, and 60 mg L−1) of IAA and GA3 individually and/or in combination using a hydraulic sprayer. The amendments were applied in the flowering stage (approximately 25 days after germination) in a randomized complete block design. The results revealed that the 60 mg L−1 concentration of IAA and GA3 led to significant changes in the growth and yield traits compared to non-treated plants. For example, GA3 positively influenced the biological yield (35.0%), total carbohydrate (7.0%), protein (16.0%), and nitrogen (14.0%) contents in mung bean seeds, compared to the control (CK). Additionally, the combined foliar treatment of IAA and GA3 (IAA2 + GA2) displayed a much stronger influence on yield attributes, such as the number of pods by 66.0%, pods’ weights by 142.0%, and seed yield by 106.5%, compared with the CK. Mung bean plants showed a significant improvement in leaf photosynthetic pigments under a higher level (60 mg L−1) of sole and combined treatments of IAA and GA3. Moreover, except abscisic acid, the endogenous concentration of IAA, GA3, and zeatin was enhanced by 193.0%, 67.0%, and 175.0% after the combined application of IAA and GA3 (IAA2 + GA2) compared to the CK treatment. In addition, soil N availability was increased by 72.8% under the IAA2 treatment and 61.5% under IAA2 + GA2, respectively, compared with the control plot. It was concluded that the combined treatment of IAA and GA3 (IAA2 + GA2) followed by the sole application of GA3 and IAA at a 60 mg L−1 concentration were most effective treatments to improve the morpho-physiology and nutrient profile of mung beans; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms need to be explored further. Full article
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15 pages, 10465 KiB  
Surface Formations Salinity Survey in an Estuarine Area of Northern Morocco, by Crossing Satellite Imagery, Discriminant Analysis, and Machine Learning
by Youssouf El Jarjini, Moad Morarech, Vincent Valles, Abdessamad Touiouine, Meryem Touzani, Youssef Arjdal, Abdoul Azize Barry and Laurent Barbiero
Soil Syst. 2023, 7(2), 33; - 8 Apr 2023
Viewed by 2288
The salinity of estuarine areas in arid or semi-arid environments can reach high values, conditioning the distribution of vegetation and soil surface characteristics. While many studies focused on the prediction of soil salinity as a function of numerous parameters, few attempted to explain [...] Read more.
The salinity of estuarine areas in arid or semi-arid environments can reach high values, conditioning the distribution of vegetation and soil surface characteristics. While many studies focused on the prediction of soil salinity as a function of numerous parameters, few attempted to explain the role of salinity and its distribution within the soil profile in the pattern of landscape units. In a wadi estuary in northern Morocco, landscape units derived from satellite imagery and naturalistic environmental analysis are compared with a systematic survey of salinity by means of apparent electrical conductivity (Eca) measurements. The comparison is based on the allocation of measurement points to an area of the estuary from Eca measurements alone, using linear discriminant analysis and four machine learning methods. The results show that between 57 and 66% of the points are well-classified, highlighting that salinity is a major factor in the discrimination of estuary zones. The distribution of salinity is mainly the result of the interaction between capillary rise and flooding by the tides and the wadi. The location of the misclassified points is analysed and discussed, as well as the possible causes of the confusions. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Contemporary Applications of Geostatistics to Soil Studies)
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