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Most Cited & Viewed Papers

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A Review of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: Architectures, Battery Systems, and Optimization Techniques
by Juan Carlos León Gómez, Susana Estefany De León Aldaco and Jesus Aguayo Alquicira
Drone Detection Using YOLOv5
by Burchan Aydin and Subroto Singha
Fundamentals of Climatology for Engineers: Lecture Note
by Shiblu Sarker
Determining the Correlation between Particulate Matter PM10 and Meteorological Factors
by Simona Kirešová and Milan Guzan
A Review on Vibration Monitoring Techniques for Predictive Maintenance of Rotating Machinery
by Marcelo Romanssini, Paulo César C. de Aguirre, Lucas Compassi-Severo and Alessandro G. Girardi
RSSI and Machine Learning-Based Indoor Localization Systems for Smart Cities
by R. M. M. R. Rathnayake, Madduma Wellalage Pasan Maduranga, Valmik Tilwari and Maheshi B. Dissanayake
Acoustic-Based Machine Condition Monitoring—Methods and Challenges
by Gbanaibolou Jombo and Yu Zhang
A Comprehensive Review on Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Charging Portable Electronics
by Arpan Laha, Abirami Kalathy, Majid Pahlevani and Praveen Jain
Integrating Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods with Sustainable Engineering: A Comprehensive Review of Current Practices
by Anđelka Štilić and Adis Puška
An Overview of Smart Materials and Technologies for Concrete Construction in Cold Weather
by Jonny Nilimaa and Vasiola Zhaka
Views Article
A Review of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: Architectures, Battery Systems, and Optimization Techniques
by Juan Carlos León Gómez, Susana Estefany De León Aldaco and Jesus Aguayo Alquicira
A Review on Vibration Monitoring Techniques for Predictive Maintenance of Rotating Machinery
by Marcelo Romanssini, Paulo César C. de Aguirre, Lucas Compassi-Severo and Alessandro G. Girardi
Drone Detection Using YOLOv5
by Burchan Aydin and Subroto Singha
The Present and Future of a Digital Montenegro: Analysis of C-ITS, Agriculture, and Healthcare
by Peter A. Kara, Ivana Ognjanovic, Ingo Maindorfer, John Mantas, Andras Wippelhauser, Ramo Šendelj, Luka Laković, Milovan Roganović, Christoph Reich, Aniko Simon and Laszlo Bokor
A Comprehensive Review on Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Charging Portable Electronics
by Arpan Laha, Abirami Kalathy, Majid Pahlevani and Praveen Jain
Development and Applications of 3D Printing-Processed Auxetic Structures for High-Velocity Impact Protection: A Review
by Raí Felipe Pereira Junio, Pedro Henrique Poubel Mendonça da Silveira, Lucas de Mendonça Neuba, Sergio Neves Monteiro and Lucio Fabio Cassiano Nascimento
RSSI and Machine Learning-Based Indoor Localization Systems for Smart Cities
by R. M. M. R. Rathnayake, Madduma Wellalage Pasan Maduranga, Valmik Tilwari and Maheshi B. Dissanayake
Acoustic-Based Machine Condition Monitoring—Methods and Challenges
by Gbanaibolou Jombo and Yu Zhang
Integrating Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods with Sustainable Engineering: A Comprehensive Review of Current Practices
by Anđelka Štilić and Adis Puška
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage in Extractive Industries for Methanol Production
by Antonis Peppas, Sotiris Kottaridis, Chrysa Politi and Panagiotis M. Angelopoulos
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Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage in Extractive Industries for Methanol Production
by Antonis Peppas, Sotiris Kottaridis, Chrysa Politi and Panagiotis M. Angelopoulos
Acoustic-Based Machine Condition Monitoring—Methods and Challenges
by Gbanaibolou Jombo and Yu Zhang
Experimental Study of the Parameter Mismatch Effects on the Low Frequency Circulating Currents of Parallel Three Phase Inverters
by Marian Liberos, Raúl González-Medina, Iván Patrao, Enric Torán, Gabriel Garcerá and Emilio Figueres
Infrared Spectroscopy for the Quality Control of a Granular Tebuthiuron Formulation
by Joel B. Johnson, Hugh Farquhar, Mansel Ismay and Mani Naiker
Determining the Correlation between Particulate Matter PM10 and Meteorological Factors
by Simona Kirešová and Milan Guzan
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Low-Cost Solar Still
by Luis Gonçalves da Silva Junior, João Pedro Jenson de Oliveira, Guilherme Borges Ribeiro and Leandro Ferreira Pinto
A Review of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: Architectures, Battery Systems, and Optimization Techniques
by Juan Carlos León Gómez, Susana Estefany De León Aldaco and Jesus Aguayo Alquicira
A Review on Vibration Monitoring Techniques for Predictive Maintenance of Rotating Machinery
by Marcelo Romanssini, Paulo César C. de Aguirre, Lucas Compassi-Severo and Alessandro G. Girardi
Interference Mitigation for GNSS Receivers Using FFT Excision Filtering Implemented on an FPGA
by Tasneem Yousif and Paul Blunt
Drone Detection Using YOLOv5
by Burchan Aydin and Subroto Singha

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Published: Last 36 months
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