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Most Cited & Viewed Papers

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Surface-Sensing Principle of Microprobe System for Micro-Scale Coordinate Metrology: A Review
by Masaki Michihata
Three-Dimensional Transfer Functions of Interference Microscopes
by Peter Lehmann, Sebastian Hagemeier and Tobias Pahl
Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Task-Specific Uncertainty Assessment Based on ISO 15530-3 and ISO 15530-4 Technical Specifications and Model-Based Definition Strategy
by Gorka Kortaberria, Unai Mutilba, Sergio Gomez and Brahim Ahmed
Calibration of a Digital Current Transformer Measuring Bridge: Metrological Challenges and Uncertainty Contributions
by Guglielmo Frigo and Marco Agustoni
Experimental Design for Virtual Experiments in Tilted-Wave Interferometry
by Gregor Scholz, Ines Fortmeier, Manuel Marschall, Manuel Stavridis, Michael Schulz and Clemens Elster
The Storage within Digital Calibration Certificates of Uncertainty Information Obtained Using a Monte Carlo Method
by Ian Smith, Yuhui Luo and Daniel Hutzschenreuter
GUM-Compliant Uncertainty Evaluation Using Virtual Experiments
by Gerd Wübbeler, Manuel Marschall, Karin Kniel, Daniel Heißelmann, Frank Härtig and Clemens Elster
Analysis of Vector Network Analyzer Thermal Drift Error
by Aleksandr Bystrov, Yi Wang and Peter Gardner
The GUM Tree Calculator: A Python Package for Measurement Modelling and Data Processing with Automatic Evaluation of Uncertainty
by Blair D. Hall
Measuring Salinity and Density of Seawater Samples with Different Salt Compositions and Suspended Materials
by Aleksandr N. Grekov, Nikolay A. Grekov and Evgeniy N. Sychov
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Measuring Salinity and Density of Seawater Samples with Different Salt Compositions and Suspended Materials
by Aleksandr N. Grekov, Nikolay A. Grekov and Evgeniy N. Sychov
Surface-Sensing Principle of Microprobe System for Micro-Scale Coordinate Metrology: A Review
by Masaki Michihata
The GUM Tree Calculator: A Python Package for Measurement Modelling and Data Processing with Automatic Evaluation of Uncertainty
by Blair D. Hall
3D Model-Based Large-Volume Metrology Supporting Smart Manufacturing and Digital Twin Concepts
by Richard P. Lindqvist, Daniel Strand, Mikael Nilsson, Victor Collins, Johan Torstensson, Jonas Kressin, Domenico Spensieri and Andreas Archenti
Simulation Uncertainty for a Virtual Ultrasonic Flow Meter
by Martin Straka, Andreas Weissenbrunner, Christian Koglin, Christian Höhne and Sonja Schmelter
Measurement Techniques for Three-Dimensional Metrology of High Aspect Ratio Internal Features—A Review
by Tom Hovell, Jon Petzing, Wen Guo, Connor Gill, Laura Justham, Niels Lohse and Peter Kinnell
GUM-Compliant Uncertainty Evaluation Using Virtual Experiments
by Gerd Wübbeler, Manuel Marschall, Karin Kniel, Daniel Heißelmann, Frank Härtig and Clemens Elster
Methodology to Create Reproducible Validation/Reference Materials for Comparison of Filter-Based Measurements of Carbonaceous Aerosols That Measure BC, BrC, EC, OC, and TC
by Paul A. Solomon, Anna-Marie Hyatt, Anthony D. A. Hansen, James J. Schauer, Nicole P. Hyslop, John G. Watson, Prakash Doraiswamy and Paige Presler-Jur
Three-Dimensional Transfer Functions of Interference Microscopes
by Peter Lehmann, Sebastian Hagemeier and Tobias Pahl
Calibration of a Digital Current Transformer Measuring Bridge: Metrological Challenges and Uncertainty Contributions
by Guglielmo Frigo and Marco Agustoni
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Calibration of a Digital Current Transformer Measuring Bridge: Metrological Challenges and Uncertainty Contributions
by Guglielmo Frigo and Marco Agustoni
Optimization of the Processing Time of Cross-Correlation Spectra for Frequency Measurements of Noisy Signals
by Yang Liu, Jigou Liu and Ralph Kennel
Simulation Uncertainty for a Virtual Ultrasonic Flow Meter
by Martin Straka, Andreas Weissenbrunner, Christian Koglin, Christian Höhne and Sonja Schmelter
Surface-Sensing Principle of Microprobe System for Micro-Scale Coordinate Metrology: A Review
by Masaki Michihata
Measuring Salinity and Density of Seawater Samples with Different Salt Compositions and Suspended Materials
by Aleksandr N. Grekov, Nikolay A. Grekov and Evgeniy N. Sychov
The GUM Tree Calculator: A Python Package for Measurement Modelling and Data Processing with Automatic Evaluation of Uncertainty
by Blair D. Hall
Methodology to Create Reproducible Validation/Reference Materials for Comparison of Filter-Based Measurements of Carbonaceous Aerosols That Measure BC, BrC, EC, OC, and TC
by Paul A. Solomon, Anna-Marie Hyatt, Anthony D. A. Hansen, James J. Schauer, Nicole P. Hyslop, John G. Watson, Prakash Doraiswamy and Paige Presler-Jur
Multilateration with Self-Calibration: Uncertainty Assessment, Experimental Measurements and Monte-Carlo Simulations
by Joffray Guillory, Daniel Truong and Jean-Pierre Wallerand
Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Task-Specific Uncertainty Assessment Based on ISO 15530-3 and ISO 15530-4 Technical Specifications and Model-Based Definition Strategy
by Gorka Kortaberria, Unai Mutilba, Sergio Gomez and Brahim Ahmed
GUM-Compliant Uncertainty Evaluation Using Virtual Experiments
by Gerd Wübbeler, Manuel Marschall, Karin Kniel, Daniel Heißelmann, Frank Härtig and Clemens Elster
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