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Benefits of Cultivating Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa ssp. sativa)—A Versatile Plant for a Sustainable Future
by Mausum Kumar Nath
Patentability of Biopolymer-Based Hydrogels
by Ahmed Fatimi
In-Silico Approaches for Molecular Characterization and Structure-Based Functional Annotation of the Matrix Protein from Nipah henipavirus 
by Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat, Apurbo Kumar Paul, Dipta Dey, Ranjit Chandra Das and Madhab Chandra Das
Formulation and Evaluation of Verdant Tablets Containing Saponin-Coalesced Silver Nanoparticles Got from Fenugreek Seed Extract
by Javesh Patil, Hamid Sayyed, Hemant Suryawanshi and Bhavika Patil
An In Silico Approach for Potential Natural Compounds as Inhibitors of Protein CDK1/Cks2
by Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat
Evaluation of Potential Ecological Risk Index of Toxic Metals Contamination in the Soils
by Arnab Saha, Bhaskar Sen Gupta, Sandhya Patidar and Nadia Martínez-Villegas
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of a Carbazolyl-BODIPY as a Fluorimetric Chemosensor for F- 
by Sónia C. S. Pinto, Raquel C. R. Gonçalves, Susana P. G. Costa and Maria Manuela M. Raposo
Greener Synthesis, In-Silico and Theoretical Analysis of Hydrazides as Potential Antituberculosis Agents (Part 1)
by Suraj N. Mali, Anima Pandey, Bapu R. Thorat and Chin-Hung Lai
Weed Detection in Rice Fields Using UAV and Multispectral Aerial Imagery
by Rhushalshafira Rosle, Nursyazyla Sulaiman, Nik Norasma Che′Ya, Mohd Firdaus Mohd Radzi, Mohamad Husni Omar, Zulkarami Berahim, Wan Fazilah Fazlil Ilahi, Jasmin Arif Shah and Mohd Razi Ismail
Defensive Mutualism of Endophytic Fungi: Effects of Sphaeropsidin A against a Model Lepidopteran Pest
by Ilaria Di Lelio, Maria Michela Salvatore, Marina Della Greca, Alla Eddine Mahamedi, Artur Alves, Akila Berraf-Tebbal, Gennaro Volpe, Elia Russo, Andrea Becchimanzi, Rosario Nicoletti and Anna Andolfi
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Use of Radioisotopes to Produce High Yielding Crops in Order to Increase Agricultural Production
by Ayaz Latif Siyal, Akbar Hossain, Fozia Khan Siyal, Tahira Jatt and Sadia Iram
Benefits of Cultivating Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa ssp. sativa)—A Versatile Plant for a Sustainable Future
by Mausum Kumar Nath
14th Edition of the Nacional Organic Chemistry Meeting and 7th Edition of the Nacional Therapeutic Chemistry Meeting
by Florbela Pereira, Ana Lourenço, João Aires-de-Sousa, Luísa M. Ferreira, M. Manuel B. Marques, Emília Sousa and Paula S. Branco
Weed Detection in Rice Fields Using UAV and Multispectral Aerial Imagery
by Rhushalshafira Rosle, Nursyazyla Sulaiman, Nik Norasma Che′Ya, Mohd Firdaus Mohd Radzi, Mohamad Husni Omar, Zulkarami Berahim, Wan Fazilah Fazlil Ilahi, Jasmin Arif Shah and Mohd Razi Ismail
Medicinal Traits of the Phenolic Compound from Foeniculum vulgare for Oligomenorrhea
by Javesh Patil, Devyani Patil, Hamid Sayyed, Mamta Patil and Ravindra Mali
The Potential of Thiazole Derivatives as Antimicrobial Agents
by Shabnam Thakur, Rupali Sharma, Rakesh Yadav and Satish Sardana
The Biological Properties and Medical Importance of Cassia fistula: A Mini Review
by Ruchi Singh, Huda Khanam and Jyoti Pandey
Portable Electrochemical System for the Monitoring of Biogenic Amines in Soil as Indicators in Assessment of the Stress in Plant
by Lucian-Gabriel Zamfir, Maria Lorena Jinga, Roxana Tulea, Gaudențiu Vărzaru, Mariana Constantin, Iuliana Răut, Cristina Firincă, Maria-Luiza Jecu, Mihaela Doni and Ana-Maria Gurban
In-Silico Approaches for Molecular Characterization and Structure-Based Functional Annotation of the Matrix Protein from Nipah henipavirus 
by Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat, Apurbo Kumar Paul, Dipta Dey, Ranjit Chandra Das and Madhab Chandra Das
Synthesis and Evaluation of Biological Activities of Schiff Base Derivatives of 4-Aminoantipyrine and Cinnamaldehydes
by Esteban Aguilar-Llanos, Saskya E. Carrera-Pacheco, Rebeca González-Pastor, Johana Zúñiga-Miranda, Cristina Rodríguez-Pólit, Juan Carlos Romero-Benavides and Jorge Heredia-Moya
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Use of Radioisotopes to Produce High Yielding Crops in Order to Increase Agricultural Production
by Ayaz Latif Siyal, Akbar Hossain, Fozia Khan Siyal, Tahira Jatt and Sadia Iram
Benefits of Cultivating Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa ssp. sativa)—A Versatile Plant for a Sustainable Future
by Mausum Kumar Nath
Weed Detection in Rice Fields Using UAV and Multispectral Aerial Imagery
by Rhushalshafira Rosle, Nursyazyla Sulaiman, Nik Norasma Che′Ya, Mohd Firdaus Mohd Radzi, Mohamad Husni Omar, Zulkarami Berahim, Wan Fazilah Fazlil Ilahi, Jasmin Arif Shah and Mohd Razi Ismail
14th Edition of the Nacional Organic Chemistry Meeting and 7th Edition of the Nacional Therapeutic Chemistry Meeting
by Florbela Pereira, Ana Lourenço, João Aires-de-Sousa, Luísa M. Ferreira, M. Manuel B. Marques, Emília Sousa and Paula S. Branco
Comparative Investigation of (10%Co+0.5%Pd)/TiO2(Al2O3) Catalysts in CO Hydrogenation at Low and High Pressure
by Maya Shopska, Alfonso Caballero, Silviya Todorova, Katerina Aleksieva, Krassimir Tenchev, Hristo Kolev, Martin Fabian and Georgi Kadinov
Evaluation of the Environmental Performance of Stevia Glycoside Production Using Precision Agriculture and Green Processing Techniques
by Constantinos Gantelas, Christos Boukouvalas, Vasiliki Oikonomopoulou, Panagiota Eleni and Magdalini Krokida
Classification Criteria for Cavendish Bananas and a Framework to Indicate the Correct Destination
by Grasiéle Morais, Adriano Silva, Regis Bueno, Wilson Tanaka, Eugenio Zampini, Sivanilza Machado and João Gilberto Reis
Evaluation of Potential Ecological Risk Index of Toxic Metals Contamination in the Soils
by Arnab Saha, Bhaskar Sen Gupta, Sandhya Patidar and Nadia Martínez-Villegas
Synthesis and Characterization of a Water-Soluble Pentamethine Indocyanine Dye for Peptide Labeling
by Cátia D. F. Martins, Maria Manuela M. Raposo and Susana P. G. Costa
In Silico Evaluation of New Fluoroquinolones as Possible Inhibitors of Bacterial Gyrases in Resistant Gram-Negative Pathogens
by Manuel Alejandro Coba-Males, Javier Santamaría-Aguirre and Christian D. Alcívar-León
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