Awards Search Results (2560)

Journal Award Status Intended Awardee / Award Winner
Coatings Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Coatings in 2024
Cancers Best PhD Thesis Award Open A Ph.D. student or doctor who has produced a highly anticipated academic potential thesis Apply
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Religions Young Investigator Award Open Must have received their PhD no more than 10 years prior to 31 December 2024 Nominate
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Religions Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Religions in 2024
Religions Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in 2025 Apply
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Animals Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster) Apply
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Water Young Investigator Award Open Must have received their PhD no more than 10 years prior to 31 March 2025 Nominate
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Water Best PhD Thesis Award Open A Ph.D. student or doctor who has produced a highly anticipated academic potential thesis Apply
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Soil Systems Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Soil System in the 2024 will be automatically included
Soil Systems Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students Apply
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Membranes Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Membranes name in 2024
Remote Sensing Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PHD students who will attend an international conference in 2024 (oral presentation or poster) Apply
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Quantum Reports Best PhD Thesis Award Open The candidate must be a PhD student or recently qualified PhD who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential Apply
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Journal of Fungi Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster) Apply
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Administrative Sciences Best Paper Award Open Papers Published in 2023
Administrative Sciences Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Administrative Sciences in the 2024
Journal of Clinical Medicine Editor of Distinction Award Open All Editorial Board Members, excluding EiC and Section EiC
Pathogens Best Paper Award Open All papers published in Pathogens
Toxics Young Investigator Award Open Must have received their PhD no more than 10 years prior to 31 December 2024 Nominate
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Land Best Paper Award Open Papers Published in Land 2023
Magnetochemistry Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Magnetochemistry in 2024
Magnetochemistry Best Paper Award Open Papers Published in 2023
Magnetochemistry Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster) Apply
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Materials Editor of Distinction Award Open activities and contributions to the development and maintenance of the journal’s high standards throughout 2024 and 2025
Metabolites Best Paper Award Open Papers Published in 2023
Land Young Investigator Award Open Scholars who received their PhD no more than 10 years prior to 31 December 2024 Nominate
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Molbank Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster) Apply
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Laws Outstanding Reviewer Award Closed Alexandra Cosima Budabin
Molbank Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Molbank in 2024
Laws Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Laws in 2024
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education Best Paper Award Open Papers Published in 2023
Biomedicines Best Paper Award Open All papers published in the Biomedicines will be eligible (both regular and Special Issue submissions).
Minerals Best Paper Award Open Papers Published in 2023
Diabetology Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Journal name in 2024
Systems Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster) Apply
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Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster) Apply
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Children Best PhD Thesis Award Open A PhD student or recently qualified PhD fellow who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential Apply
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Viruses Travel Award Open Candidates must be postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, or research fellows Apply
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Applied Sciences Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Applied Sciences in 2024
Forests Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Forests in 2024
Forests Best Paper Award Open Papers Published in 2023
Land Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Land in 2024
Animals Best Paper Award Open All papers published in the Animals will be eligible (both regular and Special Issue submissions)
Biomolecules Best PhD Thesis Award Open A Ph.D. student or doctor who has produced a highly anticipated academic potential thesis Apply
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Veterinary Sciences Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Journal name in 2024.
Veterinary Sciences Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster). Apply
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Animals Best PhD Thesis Award Open A Ph.D. student or doctor who has produced a highly anticipated academic potential thesis Apply
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Brain Sciences Outstanding Reviewer Award Open All of the reviewers for Brain Sciences in 2024
Brain Sciences Best Paper Award Open Papers Published in 2024
Brain Sciences Travel Award Open Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students who will attend an international conference in the field of neuroscience in 2025 Apply
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