Special Issues (SIs) are collections of papers centered around a subject of special interest and are organized and led by subject experts who take on the role of Guest Editor of the Special Issue. A Special Issue is not an issue of the journal.
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Journal IF Cite Score Section Title | Editors Submission Deadline Articles
Actuators 2.2 3.9 Actuators for Robotics Rehabilitation Robots and Assistive Devices: A Special Issue in Honor of Prof. Dr. Rory A. Cooper
(Editors: Jonathan Duvall, Jorge L. Candiotti, Brad Duerstock, Jongbae Kim)
15 September 2024 10
Administrative Sciences 3.0 4.8 (none) AI, Tokenization, and FinTech: Implications of Governance Issues
(Editors: Seoungpil Ahn, Young Kim)
31 December 2024 3
Administrative Sciences 3.0 4.8 (none) Navigating Global Sustainability Compliance Challenges: The Role of Organizational Change Strategies
(Editor: Francesco Ceresia)
30 September 2024 1
Agronomy 3.3 6.2 Crop Breeding and Genetics Utilizing Genetic Resources for Agronomic Traits Improvement: Series II
(Editors: Fernando Martinez-Moreno, Magdalena Ruiz, María B. Picó, María-José Díez)
31 December 2024 15
Agronomy 3.3 6.2 Soil and Plant Nutrition Use of Humic Substances and Biostimulants for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture
(Editor: Diego Pizzeghello)
30 September 2024 8
AI 3.1 7.2 (none) Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
(Editor: Arslan Munir)
31 January 2025 9
Air - - (none) Indoor Air Quality: Airborne Disease Measurement, Control, Mitigation and Disinfection
(Editors: Ling Tim Wong, Veronica Wai Yee Chan)
30 April 2025 1
Algorithms 1.8 4.1 Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity Theory Surveys in Algorithm Analysis and Complexity Theory, Part II
(Editor: Jesper Jansson)
28 February 2025 5
Alloys - - (none) Design of New Metallic Alloys for AM
(Editor: Pavel Krakhmalev)
31 December 2024 6
Alloys - - (none) High-Entropy Alloys
(Editors: Peter Hodgson, Daniel Fabijanic, Jithin Joseph)
31 December 2024 1
Anatomia - - (none) Anatomy for Modern Urology
(Editor: Olivier Cussenot)
15 December 2024 3
Animals 2.7 4.9 Poultry Coccidiosis in Poultry: Current Thinking on Eimeria spp., Host–Parasite Relationships, and Potential for Advancements in Control
(Editor: Kenneth Bafundo)
25 September 2024 8
Animals 2.7 4.9 Equids Advances in Equine Neonatal Care
(Editors: Pamela A. Wilkins, Annette Marie McCoy)
25 September 2024 0
Animals 2.7 4.9 Animal Welfare Care and Well-Being of Laboratory Animals
(Editor: Stephanie Krämer)
25 January 2025 8
Animals 2.7 4.9 Aquatic Animals The Innate Immune Responses of Fish to Infectious Diseases
(Editors: Lora Petrie-Hanson, Adef Kordon)
15 April 2025 1
Animals 2.7 4.9 Animal Physiology Exploring Stress Responses in Farm Animals: A Focus on Physiological and Behavioral Aspects
(Editors: Désirée Gellatly, Tiago da Silva Valente)
31 March 2025 2
Antioxidants 6.0 10.6 Health Outcomes of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in Neurodegenerative Disorders 2nd Edition
(Editor: Marco Tulio Núñez)
30 September 2024 6
Antioxidants 6.0 10.6 Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants Natural Products: Biological, Antioxidant Properties and Health Effects—3rd Edition
(Editor: Evangelos Zoidis)
30 September 2024 9
Antioxidants 6.0 10.6 ROS, RNS and RSS Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants―2nd Edition
(Editors: Francisco J. Corpas, Rosa M. Rivero, José M. Palma)
15 December 2024 2
Antioxidants 6.0 10.6 Health Outcomes of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress Oxidative-Stress in Human Diseases—3rd Edition
(Editor: Soliman Khatib)
31 October 2024 5
AppliedMath - - (none) Algebraic Combinatorics in Data Science and Optimisation
(Editor: Takayuki Hibi)
31 July 2025 0
Atoms 1.7 2.7 (none) Advances in Ion Trapping of Radioactive Ions
(Editor: Maxime Brodeur)
30 November 2024 5
Axioms 1.9 - Mathematical Analysis Application of Machine Learning and Optimization Methods in Engineering Mathematics
(Editors: Miljan Kovačević, Borko Đ. Bulajić)
31 January 2025 8
Batteries 4.6 4.0 Battery Performance, Ageing, Reliability and Safety Artificial Intelligence-Based State-of-Health Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries—2nd Edition
(Editors: Remus Teodorescu, Xin Sui)
20 May 2025 5
BioChem - - (none) Plant-Derived Bioactive Molecules and Their Use in Sports Practice
(Editors: Guglielmo Duranti, Piergiorgio La Rosa)
31 December 2024 0
BioChem - - (none) Feature Papers in BioChem
(Editors: Buyong Ma, Manuel Aureliano)
31 December 2024 2
Biology 3.6 5.7 Bioinformatics Multi-omics Data Integration in Complex Diseases
(Editors: Min Zhao, Ruifeng Hu, Dario Di Silvestre)
30 April 2025 9
Biology 3.6 5.7 Immunology Immune Response Regulation in Animals
(Editors: Rong Gao, Hua-Ji Qiu)
30 September 2024 8
Biology 3.6 5.7 Evolutionary Biology Evolutionary Insights into Life History
(Editors: Thomas Colard, Adeline Le Cabec)
20 December 2024 5
Biomedicines 3.9 5.2 Molecular and Translational Medicine Inherited Retinal Diseases: From Pathomolecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Strategies
(Editor: José Martín-Nieto)
31 January 2025 4
Biomedicines 3.9 5.2 Neurobiology and Clinical Neuroscience Emerging Research in Neurorehabilitation
(Editor: Manuel Gaviria)
31 December 2024 5
Biomedicines 3.9 5.2 Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Diabetes and Complications of Diabetes: Pathophysiology, Mechanisms, and Therapies
(Editors: Daniel Petroviĉ, Draženka Pongrac Barlovič)
31 October 2024 10
Biomedicines 3.9 5.2 Cell Biology and Pathology The Role of Intestinal Epithelial Cells and Their Cellular Interactions
(Editor: Younggeon Jin)
31 October 2024 2
Biomedicines 3.9 5.2 Cancer Biology and Oncology Pancreatic Cancer: Pathomechanism, Diagnostics and Novel Treatment Options
(Editors: Konstantinos Dimas, Dimitrios E. Magouliotis)
30 September 2024 3
Biomedicines 3.9 5.2 Molecular and Translational Medicine Urothelial Carcinoma: Role of Biomarkers in Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment
(Editors: Ioannis Zachos, Panagiotis Vlachostergios)
31 October 2024 6
Biomedicines 3.9 5.2 Cell Biology and Pathology Molecular Insights into Myocardial Infarction
(Editor: Dong Wang)
31 October 2024 12
Biomolecules 4.8 9.4 Molecular Biology Unraveling Mysteries of Heme Metabolism
(Editors: Harry A. Dailey, Peter N. Meissner, Amy E. Medlock, John D. Phillips, Iqbal Hamza)
30 November 2024 7
Biosensors 4.9 6.6 Biosensors and Healthcare Biosensing, Biosafety and Diagnosis
(Editor: Chenxu Yu)
15 September 2024 3
Brain Sciences 2.7 4.8 Neural Engineering, Neuroergonomics and Neurorobotics EEG and Event-Related Potentials
(Editor: Peter Walla)
18 November 2024 8
Brain Sciences 2.7 4.8 Neurotechnology and Neuroimaging Insight in the Application of Rehabilitation Devices in Neurological Disease
(Editor: Maria Cristina De Cola)
25 October 2024 5
Brain Sciences 2.7 4.8 Psychiatric Diseases Clinical Research on Addiction Psychiatry: Opportunities and Challenges
(Editor: Mark S. Gold)
20 October 2024 2
Cancers 4.5 8.0 Cancer Biomarkers Feature Papers in Section "Cancer Biomarkers" in 2023–2024
(Editor: Maxim V. Berezovski)
31 December 2024 4
C 3.9 1.6 Carbon Materials and Carbon Allotropes Carbon and Related Composites for Sensors and Energy Storage: Synthesis, Properties, and Application
(Editors: Olena Okhay, Gil Goncalves)
15 October 2024 17
Cells 5.1 9.9 Cellular Biophysics Modeling Developmental Processes and Disorders in Zebrafish
(Editors: Natascia Tiso, Francesco Argenton)
31 December 2024 10
Cells 5.1 9.9 Cell Motility and Adhesion Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Invasion and Metastasis
(Editors: Wen G. Jiang, Qingping Dou)
15 September 2024 7
Cells 5.1 9.9 Cells of the Cardiovascular System Role of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells in Cardiovascular Disease
(Editors: Alejandra San Martin, Claire Holden)
15 October 2024 9
Cells 5.1 9.9 Cells of the Nervous System New Advances in Neuroinflammation
(Editors: John W. Chen, Michael Breckwoldt)
20 December 2024 9
Chemistry 2.4 3.2 Inorganic and Solid State Chemistry Lanthanoid and Actinoid Complexes
(Editors: Spyros Perlepes, Sokratis T. Tsantis)
30 September 2024 0
Chemistry 2.4 3.2 Chemistry of Materials Design of Liquid Crystalline Soft Matter for Modern Applications beyond Liquid Crystal Displays
(Editor: Matthias Lehmann)
31 December 2024 0
Climate 3.0 5.5 Climate Dynamics and Modelling Climate Variability in the Mediterranean Region
(Editors: Nir Y. Krakauer, Mohammed Achite, Tommaso Caloiero, Sharon Gourdji, Andrzej Wałęga)
31 January 2025 9
Crystals 2.4 4.2 Inorganic Crystalline Materials Advances in Low-Dimensional Materials for Electronics and Sensing Applications
(Editors: Hu Li, Klaus Leifer)
20 October 2024 10
Crystals 2.4 4.2 Biomolecular Crystals New Advances in Protein Crystallography
(Editors: Rocco Caliandro, Benedetta Carrozzini)
10 November 2024 1
Crystals 2.4 4.2 Liquid Crystals Liquid Crystal Research and Novel Applications in the 21st Century
(Editor: Ingo Dierking)
31 December 2024 5
Crystals 2.4 4.2 Polycrystalline Ceramics Advanced Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric and Dielectric Ceramics
(Editor: Zhonghua Yao)
14 September 2024 12
Current Oncology 2.8 3.3 Gastrointestinal Oncology New Frontiers in Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
(Editors: Olav F. Dajani, Knut Jørgen Labori, Arne Westgaard)
15 November 2024 8
Dentistry Journal 2.5 3.7 Dental Implantology Oral Implantology and Bone Regeneration
(Editors: Silvio Mario Meloni, Aurea Immacolata Lumbau, Milena Pisano)
15 January 2025 13
Dentistry Journal 2.5 3.7 Digital Technologies Feature Papers in Digital Dentistry
(Editors: Luigi Canullo, Maria Menini, Paolo Pesce)
15 October 2024 11
Dentistry Journal 2.5 3.7 (none) Feature Papers to Celebrate the First Impact Factor of Dentistry Journal
(Editors: Claude Jaquiéry, Patrick R. Schmidlin)
31 December 2024 42
Dietetics - - (none) Vitamin D in the New Decade: Facts, Controversies, and Future Perspectives for Daily Clinical Practice
(Editor: Spyridon N. Karras)
15 December 2024 0
Diversity 2.1 3.4 Plant Diversity Aquatic Plant Diversity, Conservation, and Restoration
(Editors: Danelle Larson, Eva Papastergiadou)
30 September 2024 7
Diversity 2.1 3.4 (none) 2024 Feature Papers by Diversity’s Editorial Board Members
(Editor: Michael Wink)
31 December 2024 24
Ecologies 1.7 1.8 (none) The Ecology of Rivers, Floodplains and Oxbow Lakes
(Editors: Volker Lüderitz, José Ramón Arévalo Sierra)
28 February 2025 8
Ecologies 1.7 1.8 (none) Plant Communities: Identification, Monitoring and Evaluation of Temporal Dynamics
(Editor: Ram C. Sharma)
30 April 2025 5
EJIHPE 3.0 4.4 (none) Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Health Field or Education
(Editor: Hyunsu Lee)
31 October 2024 10
Electricity - 4.8 (none) Advances in Operation, Optimization, and Control of Smart Grids
(Editors: Murilo E.C. Bento, Hugo Morais)
31 January 2025 0
Electricity - 4.8 (none) Planning, Operation and Control of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Variable Renewable Generation
(Editor: Emilio Gomez-Lazaro)
31 December 2024 0
Electronic Materials - 2.8 (none) Metal Oxide Semiconductors for Electronic Applications
(Editors: Ana Rovisco, Jorge Martins, Asal Kiazadeh)
30 June 2025 3
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Systems & Control Engineering High Performance Control and Industrial Applications
(Editors: Luis Gomes, Weichao Sun, Weiyang Lin)
15 October 2024 16
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Circuit and Signal Processing Embedded Systems: Fundamentals, Design and Practical Applications
(Editors: Alexander Barkalov, Larysa Titarenko, Dariusz Kania, Remigiusz Wiśniewski)
15 September 2024 21
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Networks Recent Advances in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
(Editors: Binod Vaidya, Byung Rae Cha)
15 September 2024 9
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Microwave and Wireless Communications Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Radar Electronics for Contactless Sensing Applications
(Editors: Emanuele Cardillo, Changzhi Li)
28 February 2025 7
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Circuit and Signal Processing Ultra-Low-Voltage and Ultra-Low-Power Integrated Circuits and Systems Evolution
(Editors: Andrea Ballo, Gaetano Palumbo, Orazio Aiello)
15 November 2024 10
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Power Electronics Innovative Technologies in Power Converters, 2nd Edition
(Editors: Aitor Vázquez Ardura, Diego Gonzalez Lamar)
30 November 2024 6
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Microwave and Wireless Communications Antenna Designs for 5G/IoT and Space Applications, 2nd Edition
(Editors: Faisel Tubbal, Ladislau Matekovits, Raad Raad)
15 January 2025 10
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Artificial Intelligence Signal and Image Processing Applications in Artificial Intelligence
(Editors: Fabio Mendonca, Morgado Dias, Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa)
17 December 2024 10
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Artificial Intelligence AI Technologies and Smart City
(Editors: Young Im Cho, Eric Matson)
16 September 2024 12
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Power Electronics Section Collection Series: New Horizons and Recent Advances in Power Electronics
(Editors: Luis M. Fernández-Ramírez, Ahmed Abu-Siada, Jean-Christophe Crebier, Zhiwei Gao, Kai Fu, Eladio Durán Aranda)
31 December 2024 19
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Industrial Electronics Energy Harvesting and Storage Technologies
(Editor: Giacomo Cerretti)
15 November 2024 9
Electronics 2.6 5.3 Industrial Electronics Electromechanical Actuators and Sensors Targeting Mechatronics in the Smart Industry
(Editors: Junghwan Chang, Sarbajit Paul, Anindya Nag)
30 September 2024 7
Electronics 2.6 5.3 (none) Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the University of Manchester—Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(Editors: Zhengtao Ding, Zhenhong Li, Alessandra Parisio)
31 December 2024 4
Energies 3.0 6.2 E: Electric Vehicles Advanced Solutions for the Efficient Integration of Electric Vehicles in Electricity Grids
(Editors: Evangelos Karfopoulos, Michele Roccotelli, Ioannis Karakitsios)
25 September 2024 9
Energies 3.0 6.2 D: Energy Storage and Application Review Papers in Energy Storage and Related Applications
(Editor: Massimo Guarnieri)
17 September 2024 8
Energies 3.0 6.2 C: Energy Economics and Policy Energy Efficiency Assessments and Improvements
(Editors: Inga Konstantinaviciute, Viktorija Bobinaite, Vaclovas Miškinis, Saulius Gudžius, Daiva Dumciuviene)
30 December 2024 10
Epigenomes 2.5 3.8 (none) Histone Variants
(Editor: Chunyuan Jin)
30 September 2024 1
Epigenomes 2.5 3.8 (none) RNA Modification in Inflammation and Metabolism
(Editors: Kezhong Zhang, Juncheng Wei, Cristina Espinosa-Diez)
01 November 2024 0
Fluids 1.8 3.4 Non-Newtonian and Complex Fluids Advances in Computational Mechanics of Non-Newtonian Fluids
(Editors: Chengcheng Tao, Mehrdad Massoudi)
30 September 2024 8
Foods 4.7 7.4 Meat Green Processing Technology of Meat and Meat Products Volume II
(Editors: Jinxuan Cao, Changyu Zhou)
31 October 2024 9
Foods 4.7 7.4 Sensory and Consumer Sciences Consumer Behavior and Food Choice—Volume III
(Editor: Cristina Calvo-Porral)
15 September 2024 16
Foods 4.7 7.4 Drinks and Liquid Nutrition Influence of the Raw Materials and Beverage Processing on Volatile, Bioactive, and Sensory Profiles of the Final Product
(Editors: Raquel Rodríguez Solana, Anabela Romano, Ludovina Galego)
31 January 2025 0
Forests 2.4 4.4 Forest Economics, Policy, and Social Science Forest Ecosystem Services and Landscape Design - Series II
(Editor: Radu-Daniel Pintilii)
25 January 2025 11
Forests 2.4 4.4 Forest Ecology and Management Ecosystem-Disturbance Interactions in Forests
(Editors: Camilla Wellstein, Roberto Tognetti, Daniel Scherrer)
20 December 2024 3
Fuels 2.7 - (none) Biomass Conversion to Biofuels
(Editor: Mamoru Yamada)
15 January 2025 8
Games 0.6 1.6 Applied Game Theory Applications of Game Theory to Industrial Organization
(Editors: Marco A. Marini, Riccardo D. Saulle, Giorgos Stamatopoulos)
30 September 2024 6
Games 0.6 1.6 Non-Cooperative Game Theory Fairness in Non-cooperative Strategic Interactions
(Editors: Ramzi Suleiman, Amnon Rapoport, Vernon Smith, Guillermina Jasso)
30 November 2024 5
Gases - - (none) Gas Emissions from Combustion Sources
(Editors: Cinzia Tornatore, Andrea De Filippo)
31 December 2024 2
Gels 5.0 4.7 Gel Applications Gel-Based Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer Treatment
(Editors: Haoan Wu, Xingchun Gao)
30 September 2024 10
Gels 5.0 4.7 Gel Analysis and Characterization Food Gels: Structure and Properties
(Editor: Hongjie Dai)
30 September 2024 9
Gels 5.0 4.7 Gel Applications Gels: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications in High Performance Chemistry (2nd Edition)
(Editors: Viorel-Puiu Paun, Maria-Alexandra Paun)
30 October 2024 13
Gels 5.0 4.7 Gel Processing and Engineering Design of Supramolecular Hydrogels
(Editors: Dipankar Ghosh, Gareth O. Lloyd, Elina I. Sievanen)
15 April 2025 1
Genealogy 0.8 0.4 Genealogical Communities: Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Racial, and Multi-National Genealogies Tracking Asian Diasporic Experiences
(Editor: Philip Q. Yang)
31 December 2024 3
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